第二講:初步認識釋迦摩尼佛的生平與教學 授課教師:國立臺灣大學哲學系 蔡耀明 教授


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Presentation transcript:

第二講:初步認識釋迦摩尼佛的生平與教學 授課教師:國立臺灣大學哲學系 蔡耀明 教授 佛學概論 第二講:初步認識釋迦摩尼佛的生平與教學 授課教師:國立臺灣大學哲學系 蔡耀明 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣3.0版授權釋出】

佛學概論 初步認識釋迦摩尼佛 的生平與教學 蔡耀明 第3週 2012/03/06 佛學概論 初步認識釋迦摩尼佛 的生平與教學 蔡耀明 第3週 2012/03/06 圖片引用自:http://www.hwayue.org.tw/act/26th_KagyuMonlam_news090107.htm

閱讀材料 Stephen Laumakis, “Chapter 1: The Life of Siddhattha Gotama,” An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 3-18. Charles Prebish, Damien Keown, “Chapter 2: The Buddha,” Buddhism–The eBook: An Online Introduction, 4th edition, JBE Online Books, pp. 25-41. 背景來源:http://www.minlun.org.tw/old/372/t372/t372-4-10.htm

Living in a time of crisis An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy Ch 1: The Life of Siddhattha Gotama A disclaimer An ‘ordinary’ life The samanas The ‘Middle Way’ Living in a time of crisis 背景來源:http://www.minlun.org.tw/old/372/t372/t372-4-10.htm

An outline of Siddhattha’s life Thinking like the Buddha A philosophical reading of his life The benefits of this reading A clearer picture 背景來源:http://www.minlun.org.tw/old/372/t372/t372-4-10.htm

Things to think about 1. What effect, if any, does our lack of knowledge about the life of the Buddha have on your understanding of his teachings? 2. Who were the samanas and why was their way of life appealing to Siddhattha? 3. Why is the Buddha’s teaching referred to as the ‘‘Middle Way?’’ 背景來源:http://www.minlun.org.tw/old/372/t372/t372-4-10.htm

4. Which event(s) in his life contributed the most to the Buddha’s teachings? Why? 5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of a ‘‘philosophical reading’’ of the Buddha’s life? In addition to the ‘‘philosophical reading’’ of his life proposed in this chapter, how else might one read and understand the story of his life? 背景來源:http://www.minlun.org.tw/old/372/t372/t372-4-10.htm

Buddhism–The eBook Ch 2: The Buddha Main topics covered The Buddha The Buddha’s birth Renunciation Austerities Enlightenment The first sermon The Buddha’s last days The death of the Buddha 背景來源:http://www.minlun.org.tw/old/372/t372/t372-4-10.htm

- END -

版權聲明 2 4 5 6 7 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者 / 來源 Flickr / Pierre pouliquin (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pierre_pouliquin/2867234387/in/photostream/), 瀏覽日期 2012/03/01。 4 Microsoft Office 圖像及媒體 (http://office.microsoft.com/zh-tw/images/similar.aspx#ai:MC900197784|), 瀏覽日期 2012/02/26。 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用。 5 (http://office.microsoft.com/zh-tw/images/similar.aspx#ai:MC900234110|), 6 (http://office.microsoft.com/zh-tw/images/similar.aspx#ai:MC900441523|), 7 (http://office.microsoft.com/zh-tw/images/similar.aspx#ai:MC900441902|),

8 9 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者 / 來源 4-7 A disclaimer ……the story of his life? 《An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy》, 頁 3-18,作者:Stephen Laumakis,出版社:Cambridge University, 出版年:2008。依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用。 8 Main topics covered ……The death of the Buddha. 《Buddhism–The eBook: An Online Introduction》, 頁 25-41,作者 :Charles Prebish, Damien Keown, 出版社:JBE Online Books。依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用。 9 Vajrapani (http://vajrapani.blog.hr/2011/06/1629318268/mythbusters-reinkarnacija-ii-dio.html),瀏覽日期 2012/03/02。