H647 復興祢工作,主 REVIVE THY WORK, O LORD (1/6)


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Presentation transcript:

H647 復興祢工作,主 REVIVE THY WORK, O LORD (1/6) 復興祢工作,主! 向祢聖徒顯現! Revive Thy work, O Lord! Now to Thy saints appear! 求祢用權發出聖言, 讓祢兒女檢點! Oh, speak with pow'r to ev'ry soul, And let Thy people hear! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! Revive Thy work, O Lord! While here to Thee We bow! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend! Oh come, and bless us now!

復興祢工作,主! 求祢感動教會; 為著罪惡,憂傷痛悔, 好讓祢顯作為! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! H647 (節2/6, 頁1/1) 復興祢工作,主! 求祢感動教會; Revive Thy work O Lord! And every soul inspire; 為著罪惡,憂傷痛悔, 好讓祢顯作為! O kindle in each heart, we pray, The pentecostal fire! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! Revive Thy work, O Lord! While here to Thee We bow! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend! Oh come, and bless us now!

復興祢工作,主! 啟示祢的寶貴; 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! H647 (節3/6, 頁1/1) 復興祢工作,主! 啟示祢的寶貴; Revive Thy work, O Lord! Exalt Thy precious name! 但願祢愛在人心內, 好像復燃死灰! And may Thy love in every heart! Be kindle to flame! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! Revive Thy work, O Lord! While here to Thee We bow! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend! Oh come, and bless us now!

復興祢工作,主! 祝福祢話語; 但願祢道所有真理, 到處被人高舉! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! H647 (節4/6, 頁1/1) 復興祢工作,主! 祝福祢話語; Revive Thy work, O Lord! And bless to all Thy word! 但願祢道所有真理, 到處被人高舉! And may its pure and sacred truth in living faith be heard! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! Revive Thy work, O Lord! While here to Thee We bow! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend! Oh come, and bless us now!

復興祢工作,主! 證明祢得勝; 但願祢民起來戰爭好使撒但潰崩! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! H647 (節5/6, 頁1/1) 復興祢工作,主! 證明祢得勝; Revive Thy work, O Lord!And make Thy servants bold; 但願祢民起來戰爭好使撒但潰崩! Convict of sin and work once more as in the days of old. 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! Revive Thy work, O Lord! While here to Thee We bow! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend! Oh come, and bless us now!

復興祢工作,主!賜下當初權能; 但願榮耀全歸祢名,祝福則歸我們! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! H647 (節6/6, 頁1/1) 復興祢工作,主!賜下當初權能; Revive Thy work O Lord! Give pentecostal showers! 但願榮耀全歸祢名,祝福則歸我們! Be Thine the glory, Thine alone! The blessing, Lord, be ours! 復興祢工作,主! 我們現今等候! Revive Thy work, O Lord! While here to Thee We bow! 但願正當我們俯伏, 祢就顯現能手! Descend, O gracious Lord, descend! Oh come, and bless us now!