God’s Hand in Her History 上帝的手在她的歷史裡


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Presentation transcript:

God’s Hand in Her History 上帝的手在她的歷史裡 Ruth 路得記 God’s Hand in Her History 上帝的手在她的歷史裡 Copyright Jerram Barrs 2018

An Even Greater Kindness 一個甚至更大的良善 Ruth III 路得記III An Even Greater Kindness 一個甚至更大的良善

Ruth - Story So Far 路得–故事的發展 God has redeemed Ruth– mission to the nations fulfilled 神救贖了路得 - 實現了對萬國的使命 Ruth has left her gods, family, people and land 路得離開了她的神、家庭、族人和土地 To go to a new land in service of the Lord 去了一個新的地方服事神 Echoes of Abraham and Sarah intentional in Scripture 聖經中有意的為亞伯拉罕和撒拉的回應 Ruth another new beginning of God’s work of salvation 路得 - 神救贖工作的另一開端 Another first-fruit from the nations 來自萬國的第一個果實

Naomi 拿俄米 Naomi had returned in bitterness, her life, she believes, is destroyed 拿俄米痛苦地回來了, 她的人生,她的信仰, 都被毀了。 She has lost her husband and her sons 她失去了丈夫和兒子 She has lost the family land and the inheritance cannot be regained 她失去了家族的土地,遺產無法收回。 She believes that the family name will die out 她相信她家族的姓氏會斷絕。

God’s Sweet Providence 神甜蜜的天意 Ruth becomes breadwinner of household 路得成了養家糊口的人 She heads out to her first day of work – hoping for favor 她出去工作的第一天 - 希望得到恩惠。 God shows favor to her; in his gracious providence Ruth gleans in Boaz’ field 神對她顯示恩惠,在祂的天意中路得在波阿斯的田裡撿拾麥穗。 Boaz fulfills the intent of the Law, for he is a man after God’s own heart 波阿斯履行了律法的內含, 因他是一個追求神心意的人。

James Tissot (1836-1902)

Marc Chagall – Ruth Gleaning 1960 – the heat of the day in the burning sun Ruth working hard

Boaz: Imitating the Character of God 波阿斯: 模仿神的品格 He urges Ruth to stay in his fields to glean all through the 7 or 8 weeks of the barley and wheat harvests 他敦促路得在7、8週的大麥和小麥收穫期間, 留在他的田裡。 He provides protection from sexual assault 他提供保護, 避免被侵犯。 He gives her food and water each day: enough for her lunch and for dinner for her and Naomi 他每天給她食物和水: 足夠她的午餐與她和拿俄米的晚餐。 He ensures she can glean enough to provide for Ruth and Naomi for months ahead 他確保她能夠撿到足夠的麥穗供後面的幾個月裡食用。

Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you? 2 Is not Boaz our relative, with whose young women you were? See, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor. 3 Wash therefore and anoint yourself, and put on your cloak and go down to the threshing floor, but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. 4 But when he lies down, observe the place where he lies. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down, and he will tell you what to do.”5 And she replied, “All that you say I will do.” 路得的婆婆拿俄米對他說、女兒阿、我不當為你找個安身之處、使你享福麼。 2 你與波阿斯的使女常在一處、波阿斯不是我們的親族麼。他今夜在場上簸 大麥。 3 你要沐浴抹膏、換上衣服、下到場上、卻不要使那人認出你來、你 等他喫喝完了。4 到他睡的時候、你看準他睡的地方、就進去掀開他腳上的被、 躺臥在那裏、他必告訴你所當作的事。5 路得說、凡你所吩咐的我必遵行。

6 So she went down to the threshing floor and did just as her mother-in-law had commanded her. 7 And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain. Then she came softly and uncovered his feet and lay down. 8 At midnight the man was startled and turned over, and behold, a woman lay at his feet! 9 He said, “Who are you?” And she answered, “I am Ruth, your servant. Spread your wings[a] over your servant, for you are a redeemer.”  6 路得就下到場上、照他婆婆所吩咐他的而行。7 波阿斯喫喝完了、心裏歡暢、就去睡在麥堆旁邊。路得便悄悄的來掀開他腳上的被、躺臥在那裏。8 到了夜半、那人忽然驚醒、翻過身來、不料有女子躺在他的腳下。9 他就說、你是誰、回答說、我是你的婢女路得、求你用你的衣襟遮蓋我、因為你是我一個至近的親屬。

10 And he said, “May you be blessed by the Lord, my daughter 10 And he said, “May you be blessed by the Lord, my daughter. You have made this last kindness greater than the first in that you have not gone after young men, whether poor or rich. 11 And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman. 12 And now it is true that I am a redeemer. Yet there is a redeemer nearer than I.13 Remain tonight, and in the morning, if he will redeem you, good; let him do it. But if he is not willing to redeem you, then, as the Lord lives, I will redeem you. Lie down until the morning.” 10 波阿斯說、女兒阿、願你蒙耶和華賜福、你末後的恩比先前更大、因為少年人無論貧富、你都沒有跟從。11 女兒阿、現在不要懼怕、凡你所說的、我必照着行、我本城的人都知道你是個賢德的女子。12 我實在是你一個至近的親屬、只是還有一個人比我更近。13 你今夜在這裏住宿、明早他若肯為你盡親屬的本分、就由他罷.倘若不肯、我指着永生的耶和華起誓、我必為你盡了本分、你只管躺到天亮。

14 So she lay at his feet until the morning, but arose before one could recognize another. And he said, “Let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing floor.” 15 And he said, “Bring the garment you are wearing and hold it out.” So she held it, and he measured out six measures of barley and put it on her. Then she went into the city.  14 路得便在他腳下躺到天快亮、人彼此不能辨認的時候、就起來了。波阿斯說、不可使人知道有女子到場上來。15 又對路得說、打開你所披的外衣、他打開了、波阿斯就撮了六簸箕大麥、幫他扛在肩上、他便進城去了。

16 And when she came to her mother-in-law, she said, “How did you fare, my daughter?” Then she told her all that the man had done for her,17 saying, “These six measures of barley he gave to me, for he said to me, ‘You must not go back empty-handed to your mother-in-law.’”18 She replied, “Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest but will settle the matter today.” 16 路得回到婆婆那裏、婆婆說、女兒阿、怎麼樣了.路得就將那人向他所行的述說了一遍。17 又說、那人給了我六簸箕大麥、對我說、你不可空手回去見你的婆婆。18 婆婆說、女兒阿、你只管安坐等候、看這事怎樣成就、因為那人今日不辦成這事必不休息。

Naomi’s Plan to Send Ruth at Night 拿俄米的計畫是在晚上送路得去 How are we to understand Naomi’s proposal? 我們怎麼理解拿俄米的提議呢? A cunning and selfish scheme? 一個狡猾自私的計畫? How are we to think about Ruth’s actions? 我們如何看待路得的行為? Is she going to the threshing floor to seduce Boaz? 她是要去打穀場勾引波阿斯嗎?

Ruth at the Threshing Floor – Why? 路得在打穀場-為什麼? Is their relationship consummated that night? 那天晚上他們的關係完成了嗎? This is the understanding of many readers and painters 這就是很多讀者和畫家的理解 Why does she go as if prepared for her wedding day? 為什麼她會像為準備婚禮一樣的去呢? Some interesting – and challenging – customs! 一些有趣的--也是具有挑戰性的--習俗!

Fundamentally Inheritance 基本的繼承 What do we leave to our children? 我們留給我們的孩子什麼? To people in our churches? 給我們教會裡的人? To all the generations to come? 所有的後世子孫? Also for the future life – Paul challenges us to lay up a foundation for the life to come, the life which is life indeed

Some Interesting Customs 一些有趣的習俗 Levirate Marriage 寡婦與亡夫兄弟的婚姻 Inheritance of Land 土地的繼承 Kinsman Redeemer 男性親屬救贖者

1. Levirate Marriage 寡婦與亡夫兄弟的婚姻 A man is the holder of the family name 一個男人是姓氏的持有者 What if this man dies childless? 如果這個人死了沒有孩子怎麼辦? No one carries on his name 沒有人接續他的名字 No one to inherit and to care for land 沒有人繼承和照顧土地 Law requires his brother, or other near relative 律法要求他的兄弟或其他至近親屬 To marry his widow 娶他的寡婦 - To raise up children - Children will bear the dead man’s name - To keep the family name alive - To provide an inheritor of the dead man’s land

What Is a Levir? 什麼是Levir? ‘Levir’ Latin for ‘a husband’s brother’ “Levir" 拉丁語為 "丈夫的兄弟" So - marriage with a brother's widow 所以-與兄弟的寡婦結婚 A practice found among many peoples all over the world 這種做法在世界各地許多民族中被發現 In Central Asia in the eastern parts of Russia and the nations formerly within the Soviet Union: Kyrgyzstan; in the Central Asian sections of Western China: in India; in many parts of Africa 在中亞俄羅斯東部的前蘇聯內部國家: 吉爾吉斯斯坦; 在中亞的中國西部: 在 印度; 在非洲的許多地方 In Scythia - In Central Asia in the eastern parts of Russia and the nations formerly within the Soviet Union: Kyrgyzstan … In the Central Asian sections of Western China - In India - In many parts of Africa - Still practiced today

Purposes of Levirate Marriage Levirate婚姻的目的 In many societies wealth is based upon land 在許多社會中, 財富是以土地為基礎的。 Also name is of great importance 同時名字是很重要的 So the widow is married to a relative to keep her husband’s name alive and to keep inheritance of the land 所以寡婦嫁給了一個親戚, 以保持她丈夫的名字, 並保持土地的繼承。 Still practiced today; though in many societies, unlike in Israel, a widow is property 至今仍在實行; 雖然在許多社會, 不像在以色列, 寡婦是財產。 Land inherited by the son of the eldest brother If eldest brother dies childless – no one to inherit land - No one to carry on his name - So the next brother is required to marry his widow - To raise up children to inherit his brother’s land - And to perpetuate his brother’s name - Also is a provision for the dead man’s widow - But in many societies a widow is property to be inherited - A man is the holder of the family name; what if this man dies childless? No one carries on his name; no one to inherit and to care for land. Law requires his brother, or other near relative, to marry his widow, to raise up children. Children will bear the dead man’s name, to keep the family name alive, to provide an inheritor of the dead man’s land

Levirate Marriage in Israel 以色列的Levirate婚姻 If the eldest has children – then dies – marriage by a brother to the widow is forbidden Leviticus 18:16 如果長子有孩子--然後就死了--兄弟與寡婦的婚姻是禁止的: 《利未記18:16》 The dead man’s name is upheld by his children 死者的名字由他的孩子維護 The dead man’s property is inherited by his children 死者的財產由他的孩子繼承 The dead man’s widow has a means of livelihood 死者的寡婦有養生的手段

Dying Childless 無子而亡 But if he dies childless, then his brother, or other close relative, is required to marry his widow 但是, 如果他死了沒有孩子, 那麼他的兄弟, 或其他近親, 就必須娶他的寡婦 See Deuteronomy 25:5-6 見申命記 25: 5-6 Disgrace for the man who refuses - Deuteronomy 25:8-9 拒絕的人是羞恥的--申命記 25: 8-9 The ‘un-sandaled’ ‘him who had his sandal pulled off’ "沒有涼鞋" 的人把他的涼鞋拔掉了 "

2. Land and Inheritance 土地和繼承 The land belongs to God 土地屬於神 He divides it between the tribes and families 祂把它分給部落和家族 People not owners but tenants - serving the Lord 人不是地主, 而是租戶 Land belongs not to individual to be bought and sold 土地不屬於個人可以買賣的 But to descendants for all the generations to come 而是屬於後世後代 So that they in turn might serve the Lord - (See the example of Naboth and Ahab in 1 Kings 21) - What happens if there is disaster? - Famine, unbelief, idolatry, disobedience, death Elimelech? - Is the land lost forever? – Ahab wants the land for ‘my vegetable garden’ - Wendell Berry on land

3. Goel – Kinsman Redeemer 男性贖回者 What if disaster, sin, abandonment by the person with the land, means the land is lost to the family? 如果災難、罪惡、被土地的擁有者遺棄, 意味著土地經由家庭流失了呢? Then God desires that a close relative must redeem, must ‘buy back’ the land, at his own cost for a needy relative so that the land is restored to the family 那麼, 神希望一個近親必須贖回, 必須 “買回” 土地, 為一個需要幫助的親 戚自己買回, 這樣, 土地就會回到家族裡。 Elimelech abandoned his land when he left for Moab 以利米勒放棄他的土地前往摩押 For the descendants of the dead - Occupier: only temporary owner/temporary tenant - Cannot refuse to sell - Goel – kinsman redeemer – also must ‘buy back’ a slave - Obeying this law is very costly - No enrichment for redeemer , or children already born - But the one redeemed and his/her descendants - Reflects the redemption of God - See Psalm 107

4. What if the Kinsman Refused? 如果Kinsman拒絕呢? If no one obeyed the Lord and his Law; if there is no redeemer 若沒有人聽從耶和華和祂的律法。如果沒有救贖者 What then? 那又怎麼樣? In Jubilee year (the 50th year) the land returns to descendants if there are any 在大赦年 (50週年) 土地歸還後代, 如果有任何後代的話。 Without cost - following generations not penalized by misfortunes or sins of parents - In God’s Law each generation could begin again - Contrast this to most societies - Crushing burden of interest and debt – perpetuating poverty – hard to lift oneself out of poverty or sorrow - Biblical pattern different – laws lift poor from ash-heap - Where is each of us helping people to lift them up? - This would not apply in case of Naomi and Ruth – no descendants – line cut off out of Israel – name dies, property lost – redeemer essential

Naomi’s Proposal 拿俄米的計劃 Sees the goodness of Boaz 看到波阿斯的良善 Sees his love for the Lord 看到他對神的愛 Sees his deep obedience to the intent of the Law 看到了他對律法內含的深刻服從 Maybe Boaz will be prepared to be ‘levir’ and ‘goel’? 也許波阿斯會準備好是 ‘ Levir ' 和 ‘ goel '? Her hope and prayer is that Boaz will redeem her family 她的希望和禱告是, 波阿斯將救贖她的家族

Ruth Going at Night 路得晚上前往 Ruth goes at night, her face covered, anointed, dressed under cloak as a bride 路得晚上前往,她蒙住了臉,塗了油, 穿著斗篷像一個新娘。 This requires courage & confidence in the moral standards of Boaz & his household 這需要勇氣和對波阿斯和他家庭的道德標準的信心。 This is not a safe time in Israel for any woman; remember the woman from Bethlehem raped to death, just a few miles away in Gibeah 這對任何女人來說都不是一個安全的時刻; 記得那個從伯利恒來被強姦致死的女人, 就在幾英里外的基比亞。 After supper, after dark, everything quiet, Ruth lies down at feet of Boaz 晚飯後, 天黑後, 一切都安靜了, 路得躺在波阿斯的腳下。

Ruth’s Request 路得的請求 Boaz awakens in the night 波阿斯在夜間醒來 ‘Spread the corner of your garment over me’ “把你衣服的一角覆蓋在我身上" ‘Spread your wings over me’ – ESV echoes 2:12 “用你的翅膀覆蓋我” She is asking him to marry her, to imitate God, who takes his people to himself under his wings 她請求他娶她, 模仿上帝, 上帝把祂的人帶到祂的翅膀下

God Betroths Israel to Himself 神將以色列許配祂自己 God uses this image to describe his betrothing Israel to himself 神用這個形象來形容他的許配以色列給自己說: ‘When I passed by you again and saw you, behold you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I made my vow to you and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Lord God, and you became mine.’ (Ezekiel 16:8) “我從你旁邊經過、看見你的時候正動愛情、便用衣襟搭在你身上、遮蓋你的 赤體.又向你起誓、與你結盟、你就歸於我”這是主耶和華說的。 (以西結書16:8)

Boaz’ Response 波阿斯的回應 He wakes in the night - finds Ruth at his feet 他在夜裡醒來--發現路得在他的腳下 He could have taken advantage of her 他可以佔她便宜 Instead – he declares himself honored 相反地--他宣稱自己很榮幸 ‘May you be blessed by the LORD’ “願你得到神的祝福" ‘You could choose a younger man’ - ‘You are a worthy woman’ - ‘However, there is a redeemer nearer than me’ - ‘But if he refuses - I will be your levir and goel – today!’ - Before light he sends her away with a generous gift as a pledge

‘An Even Greater Kindness’ 一個更大的良善 What does Boaz mean? 波阿斯是什麼意思? The first kindness was Ruth gleaning in his fields and giving him the privilege of fulfilling the gleaning laws 第一個良善是路得在他的田地裡撿拾麥穗, 給了他特權去實踐撿拾麥穗的律法 The second, even greater, kindness 第二, 甚至更大的, 良善 Ruth is giving him the privilege of being a levir and kinsman redeemer 路得讓他有幸成為一個 levir 和親屬的救贖者 He considers Ruth to be honoring him 他認為路得是在尊敬他 Why kindness? - Opportunity for Boaz to consider how to fill up the floor of the Law - ‘How I love your law; it is my meditation all the day’ (Psalm 119:97) - Now a new and even more challenging opportunity to be obedient to the law - Do we consider opportunities for obedience a kindness?

Next Morning 次日清晨 Boaz said, “Let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing floor.” 15 And he said, “Bring the garment you are wearing and hold it out.” So she held it, and he measured out six measures of barley and put it on her. Then she went into the city. 16 And when she came to her mother-in-law, she said, “How did you fare, my daughter?” Then she told her all that the man had done for her,17 saying, “These six measures of barley he gave to me, for he said to me, ‘You must not go back empty-handed to your mother-in-law.’”18 She replied, “Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest but will settle the matter today.”

次日清晨 波阿斯說、不可使人知道有女子到場上來. 3:15 又對路得說、打開你所披的外衣、他打開了、波阿斯就撮了 六簸箕大麥、幫他扛在肩上、他便進城去了。 3:16 路得回到婆婆那裏、婆婆說、女兒阿、怎麼樣了.路得就將 那人向他所行的述說了一遍。 3:17 又說、那人給了我六簸箕大麥、對我說、你不可空手回去見 你的婆婆。 3:18 婆婆說、女兒阿、你只管安坐等候、看這事怎樣成就、因為 那人今日不辦成這事必不休息。

Rembrandt c. 1650 Pen and Ink Drawing of Boaz Pouring 6 Measures of Barley for Ruth

The Joy of Being a Redeemer 作為救贖者的快樂 Boaz is full of joy at the prospect of being asked to redeem Ruth and Naomi 對於被要求贖回路得和拿俄米的前景, 波阿斯充滿了喜悅 This is true of our Kinsman Redeemer 這就是我們的Kinsman救贖者 Jesus - ‘for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame’ (Hebrews 12:2) 耶穌--"他因那擺在前面的喜樂、就輕看羞辱、忍受了十字架的苦難" (希伯來書 12:2) This is the very heart of our faith 這正是我們信心的心 The love of our bridegroom for his bride 我們的新郎對他新娘的愛