榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb by: Larry Dempsey Zion Song Music


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Presentation transcript:

榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb by: Larry Dempsey Zion Song Music CCLI #1133585

榮耀, 榮耀, 榮耀神羔羊 惟有衪是榮耀 尊貴配得讚美 在寶座上的真神羔羊 榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb 榮耀, 榮耀, 榮耀神羔羊 Glory, glory, glory to the lamb 惟有衪是榮耀 For He is glorious 尊貴配得讚美 And worthy to be praised 在寶座上的真神羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne

We lift our voice in praise The Lamb upon the throne 榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb 來敬拜衪 And unto Him 高聲齊來頌揚 We lift our voice in praise 在寶座上的羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne

榮耀, 榮耀, 榮耀神羔羊 惟有衪是榮耀 尊貴配得讚美 在寶座上的真神羔羊 榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb 榮耀, 榮耀, 榮耀神羔羊 Glory, glory, glory to the lamb 惟有衪是榮耀 For He is glorious 尊貴配得讚美 And worthy to be praised 在寶座上的真神羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne

We lift our voice in praise The Lamb upon the throne 榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb 來敬拜衪 And unto Him 高聲齊來頌揚 We lift our voice in praise 在寶座上的羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne

榮耀, 榮耀, 榮耀神羔羊 惟有衪是榮耀 尊貴配得讚美 在寶座上的真神羔羊 榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb 榮耀, 榮耀, 榮耀神羔羊 Glory, glory, glory to the lamb 惟有衪是榮耀 For He is glorious 尊貴配得讚美 And worthy to be praised 在寶座上的真神羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne

We lift our voice in praise The Lamb upon the throne 榮耀神羔羊 Glory To The Lamb 來敬拜衪 And unto Him 高聲齊來頌揚 We lift our voice in praise 在寶座上的羔羊 The Lamb upon the throne by: Larry Dempsey Zion Song Music