【維亞多勒羅沙-1】 走過維亞多勒羅沙那日在耶路撒冷 Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day


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Presentation transcript:

【維亞多勒羅沙-1】 走過維亞多勒羅沙那日在耶路撒冷 Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day 兵丁們嘗試開出一窄路 The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street 但群眾擁擠想看這將要死在加略山的人 But the crowd pressed in to see A Man condemned to die on Calvary

【維亞多勒羅沙-2】 祂因鞭打不斷流血背上佈滿了鞭痕 He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back 祂的頭上戴著荊棘的冠冕 And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head 祂每步都要承受輕蔑來自想處死祂的人 And He bore with every step The scorn of those who cried out for His death

【維亞多勒羅沙-3 】 走過維亞多勒羅沙 Down the Via Dolorosa 稱做受難的道路 called the way of suffering 基督君王祂來像贖罪羔羊 Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King,

【維亞多勒羅沙-4 】 但祂選擇是這條路 But He chose to walk that road 因著愛為你和我 out of His love For you and me 走過維亞多勒羅沙 Down the Via Dolorosa 一路到那加略山 all the way to Calvary

【維亞多勒羅沙-5 】 祂因鞭打不斷流血背上佈滿了鞭痕 He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back 祂的頭上戴著荊棘的冠冕 And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head 祂每步都要承受輕蔑來自想處死祂的人 And He bore with every step The scorn of those who cried out for His death

【維亞多勒羅沙-6 】 走過維亞多勒羅沙 Down the Via Dolorosa 稱做受難的道路 called the way of suffering 基督君王祂來像贖罪羔羊 Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King

維亞多勒羅沙-7 但祂選擇是這條路 But He chose to walk that road 因著愛為你和我 out of His love For you and me 走過維亞多勒羅沙 Down the Via Dolorosa 一路到那加略山 all the way to Calvary

維亞多勒羅沙-8 祂寶血洗淨所有的靈魂 The blood that would cleanse the souls of all men Made 使祂甘心走過那耶路撒冷 its way to the heart of Jerusalem

維亞多勒羅沙-9 走過維亞多勒羅沙 Down the Via Dolorosa 稱做受難的道路 called the way of suffering 基督君王祂來像贖罪羔羊 Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King,

維亞多勒羅沙-10 但祂選擇是這條路 But He chose to walk that road 因著愛為你和我 out of His love For you and me 走過維亞多勒羅沙 Down the Via Dolorosa 一路到那加略山 all the way to Calvary