Praise the Lord in his sanctuary; Praise him for his acts of power;


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Presentation transcript:

Praise the Lord in his sanctuary; Praise him for his acts of power; 诗篇一百五十篇 Psalm #150 你們要讚美耶和華, 在祂的聖所讚美祂; 在祂顯能力的穹蒼讚美祂 (哈利路亞) Praise the Lord Praise the Lord in his sanctuary; Praise him for his acts of power;

你們要讚美耶和華, 要因祂大能的作為讚美祂; 按著祂極美的大德讚美祂; Praise him for his surpassing greatness Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, Praise him with the harp and lyre

要用角聲鼓瑟彈琴, 擊鼓跳舞讚美祂! 絲弦樂器簫的聲音 大響的鈸高聲的鈸讚美祂(讚美祂)! 诗篇一百五十篇 Psalm #150 要用角聲鼓瑟彈琴, 擊鼓跳舞讚美祂! 絲弦樂器簫的聲音 大響的鈸高聲的鈸讚美祂(讚美祂)! Praise him with tambourine and dancing Praise him with the strings and flute Praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals

讚美讚美讚美耶和華! 你們要讚美耶和華, 凡有氣息的都要讚美祂; 讚美祂直到永永遠遠! Praise the Lord,Praise the Lord Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord,Praise the Lord,