Living Mandarin, Lesson 8 生活華語第八課 Living Mandarin, Lesson 8 8 minutes 2/23/2019
Earthworms come out of the soil. pá chū ní tǔ de qiū yǐn 爬出泥土的蚯蚓(下) 2/23/2019
Answer dá àn 答案 2/23/2019
Pollution wū rǎn 污染 2/23/2019
wild guess luàn cāi 亂(乱)猜 2/23/2019
Bottles píng zi 瓶子 2/23/2019
with poison yǒu dú 有毒 2/23/2019
Pesticide shā chóng jì 殺(杀)蟲(虫)劑 (剂) 2/23/2019
Observation guān chá 觀(观)察 2/23/2019
Pitiful kě lián 可憐(怜) 2/23/2019
Campus xiào yuán 校園(园) 2/23/2019
Results jié guǒ 結(结)果 2/23/2019
To request a favor of bài tuō 拜託(托) 2/23/2019
For sure què dìng 確(确)定 2/23/2019
To chew carefully and swallow slowly xì jiáo màn yàn 細(细)嚼慢嚥(咽) 2/23/2019