Please Search : YouTube - Greenfields - The Brothers Four


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Presentation transcript:

Please Search : YouTube - Greenfields - The Brothers Four Greenfields綠野(02:57) Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱團 Terry Gilkyson - Rich Dehr - Frank Miller Please Search : YouTube - Greenfields - The Brothers Four Once there were green fields, kissed by the sun. Once there were valleys, where rivers used to run. Once there were blue skies, with white clouds high above. Once they were part of an everlasting love. We were the lovers who strolled through green fields. Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun. Gone from the valleys, where rivers used to run. Gone with the cold wind, that swept into my heart. Gone with the lovers, who let their dreams depart. Where are the green fields, that we used to roam ? I'll never know what, made you run away. How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day. I only know there's, nothing here for me. Nothing in this wide world, left for me to see. Still I'll keep on waiting, until you return. I'll keep on waiting, until the day you learn. You can't be happy, while your heart's on the roam, You can't be happy until you bring it home. Home to the green fields, and me once again

Once there were green fields, kissed by the sun. 曾有一片被陽光親吻過的綠野

Once there were valleys, where rivers used to run. 曾有一片山谷,河水潺潺流過

Once there were blue skies, with white clouds high above. 曾有一片藍天,白雲高掛天上

Once they were part of an everlasting love. 它們都曾是永恆的愛的一部分

We were the lovers who strolled through green fields. 我倆正是漫步穿過綠野的戀人

Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun. 綠野已不再,被太陽晒成焦黃

Gone from the valleys, where rivers used to run 從潺潺河水曾經流過的山谷中消失

Gone with the cold wind, that swept into my heart. 隨著吹進我心裡的寒風消失

Gone with the lovers, who let their dreams depart. 隨著讓夢想分道揚鑣的戀人消失

Where are the green fields, that we used to roam ? 我倆曾漫步其中的綠野如今何在?

I'll never know what, made you run away. 我永遠無法得知你為何要離開?

How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day. 當烏雲蔽日,我該如何找尋?

I only know there's, nothing here for me. 我只知道此地已無容身之處

Nothing in this wide world, left for me to see. 天地之大,已沒有屬於我的景色

Still I'll keep on waiting, until you return. 我依然在等待,等你回來

I'll keep on waiting, until the day you learn. 我會等下去,等到你回心轉意

You can't be happy, while your heart's on the roam, 你不可能快樂,當你的心仍在漂泊

You can't be happy until you bring it home. 你不可能快樂,除非你的心已歸來

Home to the green fields, and me once again 再度回到這片綠野,和我身邊

Once there were green fields, kissed by the sun.

Once there were valleys, where rivers used to run.

Once there were blue skies, with white clouds high above.

Once they were part of an everlasting love.

We were the lovers who strolled through green fields.

Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun.

Gone from the valleys, where rivers used to run.

Gone with the cold wind, that swept into my heart.

Gone with the lovers, who let their dreams depart.

Where are the green fields, that we used to roam ?

I'll never know what, made you run away.

組合)The Brothers Four,1958年,Bob Flick, Mike Kirkland, Dick Foley, 來自美國西岸的四重唱(小組合唱的民歌 組合)The Brothers Four,1958年,Bob Flick, Mike Kirkland, Dick Foley, John Paine四位來自華盛頓大學的小伙 子,己在三蕃市的“Hungry I“演出。 1959年, 一位叫Mort Lewis推介他們予 CBS 唱片公司,在同年7月與CBS簽了 約,並灌錄了屬於他們歷史性的歌曲– “Greenfields”,1960年打上流行榜第 21位,在六十年代多雨之秋,他們不像 Peter, Paul and Mary,Joan Baez等其 他民歌手,並未涉及民權運動反越戰的活動中,只用歌聲,外型正派斯文,沈厚溫婉的歌唱風格,奠定了他們的風格,成了美國民謠復興運動重要的樂隊之一,知名度更遠至日本歐洲等,在1961年更受甘乃迪總統的邀請到白宮獻唱。 由60年至今,四十多年來他們出版了多唱片及CD ,其中耳熟能詳的歌曲有 Seven Daffodils、 Four Strong Winds、Yellow Bird、Try To Remember、Green Leaves of Summer (一套1960年由尊榮所演名為‘The Alamo’ 電影的主題曲)等等名曲,可到的日本 “粉絲” 的網站看看他們出過的唱片及CD: 。 40多年來The Brothers Four也經歷過多次人事的變動,現時的成員是:Bob Flick、Mark Pearson, Mick McCoy, Bob Flick, John Hylton。

70年代,民歌風在美國已經惜微,The Brothers Four 轉向在日本發展,風格亦變得很pop,也灌錄了多首日 文歌曲或將日本一些民謠譜上英文歌詞再演繹。