Your only Son no sin to hide


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崇拜即將開始 主席兼領詩:陳加賢姊妹 信息講員:黃陳春燕姊妹 團契:黃灝良弟兄 司琴:黃灝良弟兄.

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真神羔羊 Lamb of God.
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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真神羔羊 LAMB OF GOD Lamb of God 1 of 7.
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Yeshua 耶穌.
Your only Son no sin to hide
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
Your only Son, no sin to hide 願受差遣離開寶座
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讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美
祂名稱為奇妙,祂名稱為奇妙 祂名稱為奇妙, 耶穌我主; 祂是全能君王,祂是萬有之主, 祂名稱為奇妙,耶穌我主.
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News of the promised King’s birth spread to regions
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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重 生 Born Again.
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1.願你蒙基督施恩包圍, 願主愛與祂的靈 滿溢你的心,使你靈魂滿足;
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Presentation transcript:

Your only Son no sin to hide 真神羔羊 Lamb of God Your only Son no sin to hide 上帝兒子 聖潔無瑕 But You have sent Him from Your side 竟被差遣 離天座位 1/16 Lamb of God 詞曲:Twilla Paris

To walk upon this guilty sod And to become the Lamb of God 踏上塵土 罪惡世界 And to become the Lamb of God 甘願成為 神的羔羊 2/16

Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God I love the Holy Lamb of God *Chorus Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God 真神羔羊 寶貴羔羊 I love the Holy Lamb of God 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊 3/16

Oh wash me in His precious blood My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 求祢寶血 來洗淨我 My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 耶穌基督 真神羔羊 4/16

Your only Son no sin to hide 真神羔羊 上帝兒子 聖潔無瑕 Your only Son no sin to hide 竟被差遣 離天座位 But You have sent Him from Your side 5/16 Lamb of God 詞曲:Twilla Paris

To walk upon this guilty sod And to become the Lamb of God 踏上塵土 罪惡世界 To walk upon this guilty sod 甘願成為 神的羔羊 And to become the Lamb of God 5/16

Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God I love the Holy Lamb of God *副歌 真神羔羊 寶貴羔羊 Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊 I love the Holy Lamb of God 7/16

Oh wash me in His precious blood My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 求祢寶血 來洗淨我 Oh wash me in His precious blood 耶穌基督 真神羔羊 My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 8/16

神的愛子 被釘十架 受盡凌辱 遭人厭棄 Your gift of Love they crucified 2 神的愛子 被釘十架 Your gift of Love they crucified 受盡凌辱 遭人厭棄 They laughed and scorned him as he died 9/16

And sacrificed the Lamb of God 謙卑君王 頭戴荆冠 The humble King they named a fraud 成為犧牲 真神羔羊 And sacrificed the Lamb of God 10/16

Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God I love the Holy Lamb of God *副歌 真神羔羊 寶貴羔羊 Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊 I love the Holy Lamb of God 11/16

Oh wash me in His precious blood My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 求祢寶血 來洗淨我 Oh wash me in His precious blood 耶穌基督 真神羔羊 My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 12/16

I was so lost I should have died 3 前我失喪 毫無盼望 I was so lost I should have died 蒙祢救贖 近祢身旁 But You have brought me to Your side 13/16

To be led by Your staff and rod And to be called a lamb of God 用杖與竿 領我一生 To be led by Your staff and rod 我今成為 主的小羊 And to be called a lamb of God 14/16

Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God I love the Holy Lamb of God *副歌 真神羔羊 寶貴羔羊 Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊 I love the Holy Lamb of God 15/16

Oh wash me in His precious blood My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God 求祢寶血 來洗淨我 Oh wash me in His precious blood 耶穌基督 真神羔羊 My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God (X2) 16/16