夜半歌聲 It Came upon the Midnight Clear


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Presentation transcript:

夜半歌聲 It Came upon the Midnight Clear That glo-rious song of old, From an-gels bend-ing near the earth To touch their harps of gold: “Peace on the earth, good-will to men, From heaven’s all-gra-cious King”; The world in sol-emn still-ness lay To hear the an-gels sing. 緬想當年時方夜半, 忽來榮耀歌聲, 天使屈身俯向塵寰, 怡然手撥金琴: “地上平安人增友誼, 天賜特殊奇恩,” 當晚世界沈寂之中, 靜聽天使歌聲. From “教會聖詩”

世界萬千勞苦民眾, 負擔重壓身心, 日夜奔跑勞祿營生, 難享一息安寧, 當知所望黃金時代, 不久便要來臨, 崎嶇道上請息片時, (2)And ye, be-neath life’s crush-ing load, Whose forms are bend-ing low, Who toil a-long the climb-ing way With pain-ful steps and slow, Look now! For glad and gold-en hours Come swift-ly on the wing: O rest be-side the wea-ry load, And hear the an-gels sing. 世界萬千勞苦民眾, 負擔重壓身心, 日夜奔跑勞祿營生, 難享一息安寧, 當知所望黃金時代, 不久便要來臨, 崎嶇道上請息片時, 靜聽天使歌聲.

因為歲月周行不息, 世事積極前進, 黃金時代一定來臨, 先知早已說明, 到時新天新地生靈, 共戴和平之君, 普天之下齊聲響應, (3)For lo, the days are has-tening on, By proph-et seen of old, When, with the ev-er-circling years, Shall come the time fore-told, When the new heaven and earth shall own The Prince of Peace their King, And the whole world send back the song Which now the an-gels sing. 因為歲月周行不息, 世事積極前進, 黃金時代一定來臨, 先知早已說明, 到時新天新地生靈, 共戴和平之君, 普天之下齊聲響應, 今日天使歌聲.