注目看耶稣 Set Your Eyes Upon Jesus


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Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

注目看耶稣 Set Your Eyes Upon Jesus 凡劳苦重担 当亲近耶稣 All who are weary and heavy burdened, come to Jesus 必享安息 必得满足 He will give you rest. 凡饥渴慕义 来寻求耶稣 All who are hunger and thirst for righteousness, come to Jesus 必享甘泉 必得饱足 They will enjoy spring water and be filled

注目看耶稣 定睛看耶稣 Set your eyes upon Jesus, focus on Jesus 圣洁公义主 十架上耶稣 The Holy Righteous Lord, Jesus on the cross 注目看耶稣 定睛看耶稣 Set your eyes upon Jesus, focus on Jesus 谦卑亲近主跟着他同步 Be humble and draw close to the Lord. 跟着他同步 Following Him step by step. (X2)