美哉小城小伯利恆 你是何等清靜 無夢無驚深深睡著 群星悄然進行


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Little Town of Bethlehem
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感 恩 祭 主愛的人在世享平安 子夜彌撒 主 題 宴會或聖餐是天主與人及人與人之間的相愛共融 2017年12月24日
齊來 宗主信徒 O Come All Ye Faithful.
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S119 听啊,天使高声唱 1/6 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
聽啊,天使高聲唱 1/6 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
and help us all to find our way. 聖嬰,預言裡的嬰孩,他們說有一天你將來臨,
Christ was born in Beth-le-hem,
這麼大的救恩(2) 魂的救恩 Salvation of soul
在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 除我重担 安慰我伤心
齊來崇拜 O Come All Ye Faithful
(1) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
主曾離寶座 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
到各山嶺 去傳揚 越過山崗 到各地方 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain,
聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 全能的大主宰 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Lord God Al-might-y 聖哉﹗聖哉﹗聖哉﹗全能大主宰
Incomparable love, incomparable love, This is an incomparable love,
我们在灵里合一 在主里合为一(X2) 同心求圣灵引导 使我们众人合一
在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died
我來到主 捨命十架前 哀求我主 洗淨我罪愆 Down at the cross where my Sav-iour died
Hymn 聖詩第65首 For the Beauty of the Earth “為著美麗的地面”
Joy to the world! The Lord is come Let earth re-ceive her king
Beautiful Baby, sleeping in the manger,
S243 榮耀歸於天父 To God Be the Glory 1/3
Presentation transcript:

美哉小城小伯利恆 你是何等清靜 無夢無驚深深睡著 群星悄然進行 小伯利恆 O Little Town of Bethlehem 美哉小城小伯利恆 你是何等清靜 O lit-tle town of Beth-le-hem, How still we see thee lie! 無夢無驚深深睡著 群星悄然進行 A-bove thy deep and dream-less sleep The si-lent stars go by 1-1. 1/8 教會聖詩#122

在你漆黑的街衢 永恆的光照啟 萬世希望眾生憂驚 今宵集中於你 1-2. 在你漆黑的街衢 永恆的光照啟 Yet in thy dark streets shin-eth The ev-er-last-ing Light 萬世希望眾生憂驚 今宵集中於你 The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to-night. 2/8

因馬利亞誕生聖嬰 天上眾軍齊集 世界眾生酣睡正深 天軍虔敬守夜 For Christ is born of Ma-ry, 2 因馬利亞誕生聖嬰 天上眾軍齊集 For Christ is born of Ma-ry, And gath-ered all a-bove! 世界眾生酣睡正深 天軍虔敬守夜 While mor-tals sleep the an-gels keep Their watch of won-dering love 2-1. 3/8

晨星啊同來頌揚 同來禮拜虔誠 同來感謝至尊上主 同祝世界和平 O morn-ing stars, to-geth-er 2-2. 晨星啊同來頌揚 同來禮拜虔誠 O morn-ing stars, to-geth-er Pro-claim the ho-y birth 同來感謝至尊上主 同祝世界和平 And prais-es sing to God the King And peace to me on earth 4/8

宏愛上主至大恩典 普賜相信的人 何等莊嚴何等安靜 肉耳不能聽聞 How si-lent-ly, how si-lent-ly 3 宏愛上主至大恩典 普賜相信的人 How si-lent-ly, how si-lent-ly The won-drous gift is given! 何等莊嚴何等安靜 肉耳不能聽聞 So God im-parts to hu-man hearts The bless-ings of His heaven 3-1. 5/8

世界惡貫正滿盈 救主悄然降生 虔誠恭敬打開心門 救主必定降臨 No ear may hear His com-ing 3-2. 世界惡貫正滿盈 救主悄然降生 No ear may hear His com-ing But in this world of sin 虔誠恭敬打開心門 救主必定降臨 Where meek souls will re-ceive Him still The dear Christ en-ters in 6/8

O ho-ly Child of Beth-le-hem! Cast out our sin and en-ter in 4 哦伯利恆至聖嬰孩 懇求今再降臨 O ho-ly Child of Beth-le-hem! De-scend to us, we pray 除我罪孽使我潔淨 安然進入我心 Cast out our sin and en-ter in Be born in us to-day 4-1. 7/8

我聞天使在歌唱 宣告大喜信息 求在我心永遠長住 我主以馬內利 We hear the Christ-mas an-gels 4-2. 我聞天使在歌唱 宣告大喜信息 We hear the Christ-mas an-gels The great glad ti-digs tell 求在我心永遠長住 我主以馬內利 O come to us a-bide with us Our Lord Em-man-u-el! 8/8