Hello, boys and girls! Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red. . 海口市金盘实验学校:王艺.


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Presentation transcript:

Hello, boys and girls! Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red. . 海口市金盘实验学校:王艺

Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red. 一、知识目标: panda, chameleon, 1.能听说认读单词:it, it’s=it is , look, a/an, my, now, panda, chameleon, black,red, green, yellow, blue,white 2.能听说认读句子: 1.It’s red /green /blue /yellow /black. 二、能力目标: 通过本课的学习,学生能够学会灵活运用“It’s …”来描述事物的颜色。 三、情感目标: 通过本课的学习,让学生了解丰富多彩的颜色,从而喜欢生活与大自然。

Let’s play a game! Magical bag (抽单词卡片游戏)

Speak out the colors quickly. Let’s play a game! Golden eyes 火眼金睛 Speak out the colors quickly. (快速说出你看到的颜色)

Chant Red ,red ,red, the apple is red . Blue, blue ,blue, the window is blue. Pink, pink, pink , the dress is pink. Green, green, green , the cap is green. Yellow , yellow, yellow, the banana is yellow. White, white, white, the chair is white. Black, black, black, the cat is black.

Pair work:(用身边的物品问答) A : What color is it ? B : It’s ...

Guess. A: What’s this? B: It’s a panda. ['pændə]

Guess A: What’s this? B: It’s a chameleon. [kə'miːlɪən]

Listen and answer -How many colors did the chameleon change? 变色龙能变成几种颜色? -Five. -What are the colors? - They are red, blue, green, yellow and black.

Read and circle 10

Read and circle

Reading time: 1. Listen and repeat loudly. 2. Read by yourself loudly. 3.Read together.

Project Drawing and painting , then say. e.g : It’s red/ …

Sentences: Sum up Words: it, it’s=it is , look, a/an, my, now, What have we learnt today? Words: it, it’s=it is , look, a/an, my, now, panda, cat,dog,cap,apple black,red, green, yellow, blue Sentences: 1.It’s red /green /blue /yellow /black.

Homework 1、复习M4(读背课文,整理笔记) 2、全品M4。 3、用今天学过的颜色单词跟父母描绘家里 的物品的颜色。