Take the Time….. 保握當下... 巧合不如巧遇,急進不如及時
It is the secret of eternal youth! Take time to Love… It is the secret of eternal youth! 及時去愛... 它是外表年輕的秘密
It is the music of the heart! Take time to laugh… It is the music of the heart! 及時的笑... 它是內心的音樂!
It is the sign of a large heart! Take time to cry… It is the sign of a large heart! 及時的哭... 它是心胸寬宏的象徵!
It is the source of knowledge! Take time to read… It is the source of knowledge! 及時的閱讀... 它是知識的來源!
It is the power of Intelligence ! Take the time to hear… It is the power of Intelligence ! 及時的聆聽... 它是智慧的力量!
Take time to think… It is the key of success! 及時的思考... 它是成功的關鍵!
It is the freshness of childhood! Take time to play… It is the freshness of childhood! 及時的玩樂... 它是童年逼真的想像!
It is the breath of happiness! Take time to dream… It is the breath of happiness! 及時的夢想... 它是幸福快樂的氣息!
Take time TO LIVE… Because time passes… QUICKLY And NEVER returns
Happy road to life My friends 朋友們,願你們都有樂活之路