類別與方法 (Classes and Methods) 鄭士康 國立台灣大學 電機工程學系/電信工程研究所/ 資訊網路與多媒體研究所
程式 UsingObject (1/2) using System; namespace UsingObject { class Program /* 示範類別的宣告與物件的使用 * 3/17/2007 */ static void Main(string[] args) Hello hello = new Hello(); hello.showMessage(); Console.WriteLine(hello.accessMessage); hello.accessMessage = "測試訊息";
程式 UsingObject (2/2) Console.ReadLine(); } public class Hello { string message = "Hello! 原始測試訊息"; public void showMessage() Console.WriteLine(message); public string accessMessage get { return message; } set { message = value; }
類別(Class)觀念 類別 File 資料變數(欄位成員 field) fileName 方法函式(函式成員 function) Open() Read() Create() Write() Delete()
物件(Object)觀念 file1 file1.fileName 記憶體地址1 函式Open進入地址 file2 記憶體地址2 函式Open進入地址 函式成員Open進入點
程式 CalculatorTest (1/6) using System; namespace CalculatorTest { * 3/17/2007 */ class Program static void Main(string[] args) int op = 0; int operand1; int operand2; int result; Calulator calculator = new Calulator();
程式 CalculatorTest (2/6) do { Console.Write( "指定運算: 0. 結束; 1. 加; 2. 減; 3. 乘; 4. 除: "); op = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (op == 0) break; if (op > 4) continue; Console.Write("輸入第一個數字: "); operand1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("輸入第二個數字: "); operand2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (op)
程式 CalculatorTest (3/6) case 1: result = calculator.Add(operand1, Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2} ", operand1, operand2, result); break; case 2: result = calculator.Subtract(operand1, Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2} ", case 3: result = calculator.Multiply(operand1,
程式 CalculatorTest (4/6) Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2} ", operand1, operand2, result); break; case 4: result = calculator.Divide(operand1, operand2); Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2} ", default: Console.WriteLine( "Should not appear this message. Debug!!!"); } } while (true);
程式 CalculatorTest (5/6) /* * 計算器 * 3/17/2007 */ public class Calulator { public int Add(int a, int b) int result = a + b; return result; } public int Subtract(int a, int b) int result = a - b;
程式 CalculatorTest (6/6) public int Multiply(int a, int b) { int result = a * b; return result; } public int Divide(int a, int b) int result = a / b;
函式傳回值 Program.Main() result calculator.Add() result return value
程式 PassByReferenceAndOut (1/4) using System; namespace PassByReferenceAndOut { /* * 示範傳址參數與out參數的使用方法 * 3/17/2007 */ class Program static void Main(string[] args) double length = 100.0; Square s = new Square(); s.acessLength = length;
程式 PassByReferenceAndOut (2/4) double area1 = 0.0; double perimeter1 = 0.0; s.getAreaAndPerimeter(ref area1, ref perimeter1); Console.WriteLine( "正方形邊長: {0}, 面積: {1}, 周長: {2}", length, area1, perimeter1); double area2; double perimeter2; s.getAreaAndPerimeterUsingOut(out area2, out perimeter2); "正方形邊長: {0}, 面積: {1}, 周長: {2}", length, area2, perimeter2); Console.ReadLine(); }
程式 PassByReferenceAndOut (3/4) /* * 正方形 * 3/17/2007 */ public class Square { double a; public double acessLength get { return a; } set { a = value; } }
程式 PassByReferenceAndOut (4/4) public void getAreaAndPerimeter(ref double area, ref double perimeter) { area = Math.Pow(a, 2); perimeter = 4.0 * a; } public void getAreaAndPerimeterUsingOut( out double area, out double perimeter)
傳值, 傳址, out 參數 傳值參數傳遞( Pass by value ) 傳址參數傳遞( Pass by reference ) 初值設定問題
程式 UsingThis (1/4) using System; namespace UsingThis { /* * 說明this的使用 * 3/17/2007 */ class Program static void Main(string[] args) Time t = new Time(); t.SetTime(11, 30, 52);
程式 UsingThis (2/4) int hour; int min; int sec; t.GetTime(out hour, out min, out sec); Console.WriteLine("現在時間{0} : {1} : {2}", hour, min, sec); Console.ReadLine(); } /* * 以時,分,秒表示時間 */
程式 UsingThis (3/4) public class Time { int hour; int min; int sec; public void SetTime(int hour, int min, int sec) bool error = ( hour < 0 || hour > 24 || min < 0 || min > 59 || sec < 0 || sec > 59 ); if (!error) this.hour = hour; this.min = min; this.sec = sec; }
程式 UsingThis (4/4) else { Console.WriteLine( "Time.SetTime>>參數值不合理"); } public void GetTime(out int hour, out int min, out int sec) hour = this.hour; min = this.min; sec = this.sec;
物件自我參考 this t 記憶體地址 hour min sec this SetTime()進入地址 函式成員SetTime進入點
UML 的類別符號 Time hour : int min : int sec : int SetTime() GetTime()
程式 OverloadingDemo (1/4) using System; namespace OverloadingDemo { /* * 示範多載之應用 * 3/17/2007 */ class Program static void Main(string[] args) Adder adder = new Adder(); int i = 0;
程式 OverloadingDemo (2/4) do { Console.Write( "指定運算數值型態: 0. 結束; 1. 整數; 2. 浮點數: "); i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (i == 0) break; if (i > 2) continue; switch (i) case 1: Console.Write("輸入第一個整數"); int a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("輸入第二個整數"); int b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); adder.AddAndDisplay(a, b); break;
程式 OverloadingDemo (3/4) case 2: Console.Write("輸入第一個浮點數"); double ad = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("輸入第二個浮點數"); double bd = adder.AddAndDisplay(ad, bd); break; } } while (true); /* 模擬加法器 * 3/17/2007 */
程式 OverloadingDemo (4/4) public class Adder { public void AddAndDisplay(int a, int b) int result = a + b; Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", a, b, result); } public void AddAndDisplay(double a, double b) double result = a + b; Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", a, b, result);
程式 UsingRecursive (1/4) using System; namespace UsingRecursive { /* * 利用階乘說明遞迴函式的用法 * 3/17/2007 * * 測試: * 以遞迴及非遞迴兩種方式計算!, 結果應相同 */ class Program static void Main(string[] args)
程式 UsingRecursive (2/4) int factorialNonRecursive = int factorialRecursive = FactorialRecursive(10); Console.WriteLine("(迴圈) 10! = " + factorialNonRecursive); Console.WriteLine("(遞迴) 10! = " + } /* * 不用遞迴計算階乘 * 3/17/2007 */
程式 UsingRecursive (3/4) static int FactorialNonRecursive(int n) { int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) result *= i; } return result; /* * 利用遞迴計算階乘 * 3/17/2007 */
程式 UsingRecursive (4/4) static int FactorialRecursive(int n) { if (n == 1 || n == 0) return 1; int result = n * FactorialRecursive(n - 1); return result; }
二分搜尋法 (Binary Search) Alice Bob Carol David Elaine Fred George Harry Irene John Kelly Larry Mary Nancy Oliver Harry Irene John Kelly Larry Mary Nancy Oliver Irene John Kelly
二分搜尋法虛擬碼 *J. G. Brookshear, Computer Science – An Overview, 8th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005
類別 NameList NameList list : string[] min : int sec : int AccessList() Search()
極端化程式設計 (Extreme Programming) 撰寫一個簡單的測試程式 編譯執行程式,看它失敗 增添恰能通過測試之程式碼並編譯偵錯 重整及消除冗餘程式碼並編譯偵錯 反覆進行上述步驟
程式 BinarySearch.Program (1/4) using System; namespace BinarySearch { /* 實作二分搜尋法 * skj 3/20/2007 * * 測試規劃 * 名單: * 0: Abe * 1: Bob * 2: Carol' * 3: David * 4: Eve
程式 BinarySearch.Program (2/4) * target: Carol ==> 第3名 * target: Bob ==> 第2名 * target: Abe ==> 第1名 * target: David ==> 第4名 * target: Eve ==> 第5名 * target: Mary ==> 不在名單中 * target: Aaron ==> 不在名單中 * target: Brown ==> 不在名單中 */ class Program { static void Main(string[] args)
程式 BinarySearch.Program (3/4) string[] list = new string[5]; list[0] = "Abe"; list[1] = "Bob"; list[2] = "Carol"; list[3] = "David"; list[4] = "Eve"; NameList nameList = new NameList(); nameList.AccessList = list; int index; Console.Write("輸入欲搜尋的名字: "); string target = Console.ReadLine(); bool success = nameList.Search(target, 0, 4, out index);
程式 BinarySearch.Program (4/4) if (success) { Console.WriteLine(target + "為名單中的第" + (index + 1) + "名"); } else Console.WriteLine(target + "不在名單中");
程式 BinarySearch.NameList (1/3) using System; namespace BinarySearch { /* * 排序好的名單類別 * skj 3/20/2007 */ class NameList string[] list; // 儲存之名單 public string[] AccessList get { return list; } set { list = value; } }
程式 BinarySearch.NameList (2/3) /* * 檢查字串target是否在list之中 * 3/20/2007 */ public bool Search(string target,// 欲搜尋之字串 int low, // 檢查註標之下限 int high, // 檢查註標之上限 out int index // 最後檢查的註標 ) { index = (low + high) / 2; if (low > high ) return false; int result = target.CompareTo(list[index]);
程式 BinarySearch.NameList (3/3) if (result == 0) { return true; } else if (result < 0) high = index - 1; return Search(target, low, high, out index); else low = index + 1;
物件導向思維 什麼是程式要完成的功能? 需要那些物件/類別才能完成程式功能? 物件/類別需要那些行為才能合作完成程式功能? 例: Mission Impossible, RPG
物件/類別之識別 程式功能敘述中的名詞、代名詞、名詞片語可能需要轉換為物件/類別(CRC卡) 類別之間的關係可以畫UML類別圖表示 主程式及類別的方法可以用虛擬碼進一步描述
物件 CRC 卡 Object Name: withdrawManager Collaborators Responsibilities Ask user for amount to withdraw Verify amount with AccountManager Tell cash dispenser to release cash accountManager cashDispenser
類別 CRC卡 Class Name: WithdrawManager Collaborators Responsibilities Ask user for amount to withdraw Verify amount with AccountManager Tell CashDispenser to release cash AccountManager CashDispenser
UML 類別圖( Class Diagram ) * G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, and I. Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison Wesley, 1999.
構成(Aggregation)之實作 class Company { //…… Department[] department; // created by Company objects Office[] office; }
關連(Association)之實作 class Department { //…… Person manager; // created outside Department Person[] member; // created outside Department } class Person { Department department; // created outside Person