諸 天 宣 揚 All Heaven Declares.


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Presentation transcript:

諸 天 宣 揚 All Heaven Declares

All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚 [ 1.1 ] 諸天宣揚 All heaven declares 復活之主的榮耀 the glory of the risen Lord; 誰能相比 who can compare 我主聖潔美麗 with the beauty of the Lord? All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚

All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚 [ 1.2 ] 永遠到永遠 For ever He will be 羔羊已掌權 the Lamb upon the throne; 今我歡喜前來 I gladly bow the knee 向你屈膝敬拜 and worship Him alone. All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚

All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚 [ 2.1 ] 我要宣揚 I will proclaim 復活之主的榮耀 the glory of the risen Lord, 他曾被殺 who once was slain 使人與神和好 to reconcile man to God. All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚

All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚 [ 2.2 ] 永遠到永遠 For ever You will be 羔羊已掌權 the Lamb upon the throne; 今我歡喜前來 I gladly bow the knee 向你屈膝敬拜 and worship You alone. All Heaven Declares 諸天宣揚