馬太福音 Matthew 17:14-23 14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures.


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Presentation transcript:

馬太福音 Matthew 17:14-23 14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” 17 “You unbelieving 14 耶穌和門徒到了眾人那裏,有一個人來見耶穌,跪下,15 說:「主啊,憐憫我的兒子!他害癲癇的病很苦,屢次跌在火裏,屢次跌在水裏。16 我帶他到你門徒那裏,他們卻不能醫治他。」17 耶穌說:

「噯!這又不信又悖謬的世代啊,我在你們這裏要到幾時呢?我忍耐你們要到幾時呢?把他帶到我這裏來吧!」18 耶穌斥責那鬼,鬼就出來;從此孩子就痊癒了。19 門徒暗暗地到耶穌跟前,說:「我們為甚麼不能趕出那鬼呢?」 and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment. 19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

20 耶穌說:「是因你們的信心小。我實在告訴你們,你們若有信心,像一粒芥菜種,就是對這座山說:『你從這邊挪到那邊』,它也必挪去;並且你們沒有一件不能做的事了。21 至於這一類的鬼,若不禱告、禁食,他就不出來。」 22 他們還住在加利利的 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” 21 22 When they came together in Galilee,

時候,耶穌對門徒說:「人子將要被交在人手裏。23 他們要殺害他,第三日他要復活。」門徒就大大地憂愁。 he said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. 23 They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.” And the disciples were filled with grief.

你若能信 If You Can Believe 馬太福音 Matthew 17:14-23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Mosul


Lego Movie Vitruvius: Emmet...  Emmet: Who said that?  Vitruvius: I did. I am Ghost Vitruvius. Oooooh. Emmet, you didn't let me finish earlier because I died. The reason I made up the prophecy was because I knew that whoever found the piece could become the special. Because the only thing anyone needs to be special is to believe that you can be. I know that sounds like a cat poster but it's true. Look at what you did when you believed you were special. You just need to believe it some more.  Emmet: But how could I just decide to believe that I'm special when I'm not?  Vitruvius: Because the world depends on it. Ooooohh. 

Mark 9:23 23 耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。」 23 “ ‘If you can’. ” said Jesus Mark 9:23 23 耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。」 23 “ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

1.門徒的信心 The Faith of the Disciples Luke 9:37 37 第二天,他們下了山,就有許多人迎見耶穌。 37 The next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met him.

Mark 9:14–16 14 耶穌到了門徒那裏,看見有許多人圍著他們,又有文士和他們辯論。15 眾人一見耶穌,都甚希奇,就跑上去問他的安。16 耶穌問他們說:「你們和他們辯論的是甚麼?」 14 When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15 As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. 16 “What are you arguing with them about?” he asked.

Mark 9:17–18 17 眾人中間有一個人回答說:「夫子,我帶了我的兒子到你這裏來,他被啞巴鬼附著。18 無論在哪裏,鬼捉弄他,把他摔倒,他就口中流沫,咬牙切齒,身體枯乾。我請過你的門徒把鬼趕出去,他們卻是不能。」 17 A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. 18 Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.”

Matthew 17:17–18 17 耶穌說:「噯!這又不信又悖謬的世代啊,我在你們這裏要到幾時呢?我忍耐你們要到幾時呢?把他帶到我這裏來吧!」18 耶穌斥責那鬼,鬼就出來;從此孩子就痊癒了。 17 “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.

Matthew 17:19–20 19 門徒暗暗地到耶穌跟前,說:「我們為甚麼不能趕出那鬼呢?」20 耶穌說:「是因你們的信心小。我實在告訴你們,你們若有信心,像一粒芥菜種,就是對這座山說:『你從這邊挪到那邊』,它也必挪去;並且你們沒有一件不能做的事了。 19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Mark 9:28–29 28 耶穌進了屋子,門徒就暗暗地問他說:「我們為甚麼不能趕出他去呢?」29 耶穌說:「非用禱告,這一類的鬼總不能出來。」 28 After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” 29 He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”

2. 孩子的爸爸的信心 The Faith of the Father Matthew 17:14–16 耶穌和門徒到了眾人那裏,有一個人來見耶穌,跪下,15 說:「主啊,憐憫我的兒子!他害癲癇的病很苦,屢次跌在火裏,屢次跌在水裏。16 我帶他到你門徒那裏,他們卻不能醫治他。」 14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.”

Mark 9:21–23 21 耶穌問他父親說:「他得這病有多少日子呢?」回答說:「從小的時候。22 鬼屢次把他扔在火裏、水裏,要滅他。你若能做甚麼,求你憐憫我們,幫助我們。」23 耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能。」 21 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. 22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” 23 “ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

Mark 9:24–25 24 孩子的父親立時喊著說:「我信!但我信不足,求主幫助。」25 耶穌看見眾人都跑上來, 就斥責那污鬼,說:「你這聾啞的鬼,我吩咐你從他裏頭出來,再不要進去!」 24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” 25 When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the impure spirit. “You deaf and mute spirit,” he said, “I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.”

3. 耶穌的信心 The Faith of Jesus Matthew 17:22–23 22 他們還住在加利利的時候,耶穌對門徒說:「人子將要被交在人手裏。23 他們要殺害他,第三日他要復活。」門徒就大大地憂愁。 22 When they came together in Galilee, he said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. 23 They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.” And the disciples were filled with grief.

Matthew 26:39 39 他就稍往前走,俯伏在地,禱告說:「我父啊,倘若可行,求你叫這杯離開我。然而,不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。」 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

1 John 5:14–15 14 我們若照他的旨意求甚麼,他就聽我們,這是我們向他所存坦然無懼的心。15 既然知道他聽我們一切所求的,就知道我們所求於他的,無不得著。 14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.