Presentation 约翰316演示 John 3 : 16 (Adapted from取材自“ Knocking on Doors, Opening Hearts” by Dr Ralph W Neighbour, Jr.) MFAD100715
神GOD 第1步 STEP 1 一切都从神开始。神创造了天地。神是大能、亲切、和慈爱 的。 Everything begins with GOD. God created the heavens and the earth. He is a powerful, personal and loving God.
神GOD/人MAN 生命LIFE 第2步STEP 2 神创造了人(包括你和我)。祂创造人是要人和祂有一个永恒的关系,永远与祂同住——也就是有永远的生命。 God created MAN ( you and I ) He created man to have a permanent relationship with Him and to live with Him forever - to have eternal LIFE.
神GOD/人MAN 生命LIFE 人MAN 第3步STEP 3 神赐人有选择的自由。但可惜人选择了悖逆祂。 God also created Man to have a free will to choose. However, Man chose to disobey Him.
罪SIN 神GOD/人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 第4步STEP 4 结果人有了罪。罪不只是做错事。罪是我们里面的本性要做自己的事,而不做神要我们做的。 This resulted in SIN. Sin is not just doing wrong things. Sin is a nature within us to do our own thing and not to do what God wants us to do.
神GOD/人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 罪SIN 死亡DEATH 第5步STEP 5 因着罪,人就和神隔开了。生命的反面是死亡。 Because of SIN, MAN is physically and spiritually separated from God. The opposite of life is DEATH.
罪SIN 神GOD/人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 死亡DEATH 教堂CHURCH 其它OTHERS 行善GW 第6步STEP 6 然而,人渴望要回到神那里。人要以自己的方式找到神——上教 堂、行善、其它方式等等。但我们不可能靠自己的努力找到神。 Yet, man has an inward desire to go back to God. Man tried his own ways to reach God - go to CHURCH; do GOOD WORKS; try OTHER ways etc. But we cannot reach God through our own efforts.
神GOD /人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 死亡DEATH 其它OTHERS 罪SIN 死亡DEATH 教堂CHURCH 行善GW 第7步STEP7 因为神很爱我们,祂提供了唯一能够解决罪的方法。祂差祂的 独生儿子,耶稣,来到世上,拯救我们。 Because God loves us so much, He provided the only solution for man’s sin. He sent His only son, Jesus, to earth to reach down to us.
神GOD/人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 死亡DEATH 其它OTHERS 罪SIN 死亡DEATH 耶稣JESUS 教堂CHURCH 行善GW 第8步STEP 8 耶稣是神赐给我们最大的祝福!祂为我们的罪死在十字架上。 三天后复活,显示祂有能力胜过罪和死亡。 Jesus did us the greatest favour ! He died on the cross for our sins. After 3 days, he was raised from the dead showing us that He has power to overcome sin and death.
神GOD/人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 死亡DEATH 罪SIN 其它OTHERS 死亡DEATH 耶稣JESUS 约翰福音JOHN3:16 教堂CHURCH 行善GW 我的名字MY NAME 你的名字YOUR NAME 第9步STEP9 我们可以用一节经文来总结,约翰福音3:16“神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。” We can summarise this using the bible verse John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” 我不写人而写上我的名字。Let me write my own name instead of MAN. 我们也写上你的名字。Let’s also write down your name below mine.
神GOD/人MAN 人MAN 生命LIFE 死亡DEATH 罪SIN 其它OTHERS 耶稣JESUS 约翰福音JOHN3:16 教堂CHURCH 行善GW 第10步STEP 10 耶稣是神赐给我们最大的祝福。祂死在十字架上,除去了我们的罪。你正站在生命和 死亡的十字路口。如果,你选择跟随基督,今天,你就可以回到神那里。你是否愿意; 今天就接受耶稣进入你的生命? Jesus is the one who did us the greatest favour. He took away our sins when He died on the cross for us. You are at the ‘fork in the road’ that leads away from DEATH to LIFE. As you choose to follow Christ, you return to God today. Do you want to receive Jesus Christ into your life today? 我的名字MY NAME 你的名字YOUR NAME
神GOD/人MAN 生命LIFE 耶稣JESUS 死亡DEATH 约翰福音JOHN3:16 罪SIN 耶稣JESUS 其它OTHERS 第11步STEP11 “信主的祷告”: 主耶稣,我承认我是一个罪人。谢谢你代替我为我的罪钉死在十字架上。我接受你作我的救主和生命的主。求你赦免我一切的罪,赐我圣灵, 赐我永生。从现在起,我单单信靠你。主耶稣,请进入我的生命,帮助我,使我成为一个合你心意的人。 奉耶稣的名祷告,阿门。 “Prayer to Invite Jesus Into My Life” : Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. Thank You for taking my place on the Cross and dying for my sins. I need You as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive all my sins and give me eternal life. From now on, I will put my faith in You only. Lord Jesus, please come into my life and be the Lord of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 教堂CHURCH 行善GW 我的名字MY NAME 你的名字YOUR NAME
神GOD/人MAN 生命LIFE 耶稣JESUS 死亡DEATH 约翰福音JOHN3:16 罪SIN 耶稣JESUS 其它OTHERS 教堂CHURCH STEP 12 (English) “Seeker’s Prayer” Dear Jesus, I do not know You but my friend tells me that You are real. I would like to know You more and I pray that You will reveal Yourself to me in the way You have shown Yourself to other Christians. Please help me to know Your love. Thank you for hearing me and I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 行善GW 我的名字MY NAME 你的名字YOUR NAME
神GOD/人MAN 生命LIFE 耶稣JESUS 死亡DEATH 约翰福音JOHN3:16 罪SIN 耶稣JESUS 其它OTHERS 第12步 (Chinese) 慕道的祷告: 主耶稣,我不认识祢。但是我朋友说祢是真实的,我愿意进一步认识祢。求祢向我显现,正如你向其他基督徒显现一样。帮助我认识祢的爱,感谢祢听我的祷告。奉主耶稣的名求,阿门。 教堂CHURCH 行善GW 我的名字MY NAME 你的名字YOUR NAME