Testing quantum Landauer Principle using


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Presentation transcript:

Testing quantum Landauer Principle using 原子分子光物理重要成果系列学术报告(13) Testing quantum Landauer Principle using a single trapped ion 报告人:周飞(副研究员) 时 间:11月30日(星期五)上午10:00 地 点:波谱楼十楼1017会议室 个人履历: 2001.9-2005.7 内蒙古大学数理学基地 本科 2005.9-2011.1 中科院武汉物理与数学研究所 博士 2011.1-2014.10 中科院武汉物理与数学研究所 助理研究员 2014.10-至今 中科院武汉物理与数学研究所 副研究员 Abstract: In the information processing, a minimum amount of energy is required to be consumed against deleting one bit of information. This is known as the famous Landauer principle, which implies the irreversibility of logic operations and is associated with the elucidation of “Maxwell demon” – a paradox in thermodynamics for hundreds of years[1]. Contrary to its classical version, the quantum Landauer principle is based on a fully quantized system and quantized reservoir as well[2]. So the deletion of information in a quantum bit strongly depends on the reservoir temperature as well as the quantum correlation between the system and reservoir. We report our recently experimental implementation for testing this quantized Landauer principle based on a single 40Ca+ ion[3]. We modeled both the quantized system and reservoir in the single ultracold ion, and successfully observed the energy change of 10E-28 joules due to eliminating information from a qubit. We show strong agreement between the experimental observation and the theoretical prediction. This will be helpful for understanding the fundamental physical limitations of irreversible logical operations at the quantum level. References: [1] J. M. R. Parrondo, J. M. Horowitz and T. Sagawa, Thermodynamics of information, Nat. Phys. 11, 131 (2015). [2] D. Reeb and M. M. Wolf, An improved Landauer principle with finite-size corrections, New J. Phys. 16, 103011 (2014). [3] L. L. Yan, T. P. Xiong, K. Rehan, F. Zhou, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, J. Q. Zhang, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, and M. Feng, Single-atom demonstration of quantum Landauer principle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 210601(2018).