Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion Follow song with mouse click


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Translated by David Z-G
The Prayer 《祈祷》 1998年11月,意大利传奇盲人男高音Andrea Bocelli 安德烈·波切利,参加了天后级的女歌手 Celine Dion席琳·狄翁的圣诞音乐会,并与她合唱了《祈祷》,使他在美国迅速走红,席琳·狄翁这样评价安德烈·波切利:“如果上帝会歌唱,那末他的歌声应该像波切利那样”。
Come, O blessed Lord, and dwell with us. 主啊!求你來與我們同住,
Shine, Jesus, Shine 哦!主發光
You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(1)
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
and help us all to find our way. 聖嬰,預言裡的嬰孩,他們說有一天你將來臨,
救世主凡事引导我 All the Way My Savior Leads Me
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I Will be True 我定會真誠.
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Through father’s love to know Our Heavenly Father’s heart
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你說陰天代表你的心情 雨天更是你對生命的反應 你說每天生活一樣平靜 對於未來沒有一點信心 親愛朋友你是否曾經 曾經觀看滿天的星星
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耶穌是我親愛牧人, 親手引領我前程, 領我到你歡樂草場, 領我靠近你身旁。
The Anointing of the Indwelling Spirit
Presentation transcript:

Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion Follow song with mouse click The Prayer... By: Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion 禱詞 安德亞與賽林 林 順 松 轉載提供 0933-837-737 原稿 : 葉子 2008.5 Follow song with mouse click

    Friends :下面有一首很好聽的歌  Celine Dion(席琳迪翁)演唱的   「The Prayer 」 歌聲很美,歌詞也很激勵,   跟你分享這首歌~~  God bless you & He loves you !!    

I pray you'll be our eyes... 引導我們人生 正確的方向 And watch us where we go... 祈禱 您就是我們的雙眼 引導我們人生 正確的方向 And watch us where we go...

In times when we don't know... And help us to be wise... 幫助我們具有智慧 In times when we don't know... 在我們無明 的時刻

Let this be our prayer... 以下 就是我們的禱詞 When we lose our way... 當我們失去方向時

用您的慈悲 Lead us to a place... 引導我們 Guide us with your grace... To a place where we'll be safe... 帶領我們步入平安

I pray we find your light... La luce che tu dai I pray we find your light... 祈求您散發出來的光明 Nel cuore restera And hold it in our hearts... 能常駐我心

When stars go out each night... Aricordarci che When stars go out each night... 縱使在星月無光的夜晚 讓我們 依然能追尋到您 L'eterna stella sei Remind us where you are...

When shadows fill our day... Nella mia preghiera Let this be our prayer... 祈求您能聽到我們 這個禱詞 林 順 松 轉載提供 0933-837-737 Quanta fede c'e When shadows fill our day... 在我們 處於人生黯淡的時刻

祈求您能引導我們 走入您慈祥的懷抱 更讓我們擁有信心 走完人生 Lead us a a place... 祈求您能引導我們 Guide us with your grace... 走入您慈祥的懷抱 Give us faith so we'll be safe... 更讓我們擁有信心 走完人生

Sogniamo un mondo senza piu violenza, Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza... Ognuno dia una mano al suo vicino, Simbolo di pace... Di fraternita...

E desiderio che La forza che ci dai And watch us from above... We ask that life be kind... 您也能持續的在天庭 眷顧我們 祈求我們這一生 都能仁慈的對待萬物

We hope each soul will find... Ognuno trovi amor We hope each soul will find... 讓我們用真實的 心靈 Intorno e dentro a se Another soul to love... 彼此相愛

Let this be our prayer Let this be our prayer... Just like every child 希望以上禱詞都是 來自我們 Just like every child Just like every child... 一顆未曾 受到社會污染 赤子之心

Guide us with your grace Give us faith so we'll be safe... Need to find a place, Guide us with your grace Give us faith so we'll be safe... 請用您至高的慈悲 引導我們 未來都能走入平安

E la fede che Hai acceso in noi Sento che ci salverai... Etty

故 的 拜 願我台灣 萬世康強 林 順 松 轉載提供 0933-837-737 現在時間 Click here 林 順 松 轉載提供 0933-837-737 Click here To repeat