我切切尋求你 Earnestly I seek You


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如同鹿切切渴慕溪水, 我靈亦渴慕追求你。 唯有你是我心所愛, 我渴慕來敬拜你。
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Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4
Presentation transcript:

我切切尋求你 Earnestly I seek You 慕創 044 神啊 你是我神 我切切尋求你 O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek You 我心靈渴慕你我身體呼籲你 My soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You 我靈裡的貧乏 求你愛 充滿 The emptiness inside, cries out for Your love 乾旱疲乏之地 我渴想 切慕你 In a dry and weary land, where there is no water 我切切尋求你 Earnestly I Seek You

* 神啊你是我神 你是 我唯一的拯救 神啊 你是我神 你是 我生命的泉源 O God, You are my God 慕創 044 * 神啊你是我神 O God, You are my God 你是 我唯一的拯救 You are my only Redeemer 神啊 你是我神 你是 我生命的泉源 You are my sole Life-Giver 我切切尋求你 Earnestly I Seek You

耶穌,喔 耶穌,你是我生命的江河 在這乾旱疲乏之地,你是我生命的江河 Jesus, Oh Jesus, You are my living 慕創 044 耶穌,喔 耶穌,你是我生命的江河 Jesus, Oh Jesus, You are my living water 在這乾旱疲乏之地,你是我生命的江河 In this dry and weary land, You are my living water 我切切尋求你 Earnestly I Seek You