01/04 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)


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Presentation transcript:

01/04 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives) Practice speaking and reading the vocabulary in Lesson 18 Dialogue 1. I can use the Chinese adverb, 又yòu (again) to suggest augmentation or exacerbation of certain conditions or circumstances I can use 下去 to signify the continuation of an action that is already in progress. Review Chinese Writing Assessment handouts-Grammar Section. Quiz Today: 请把电脑搬出去房间。 请把书 拿进来房间。

前天昨天 今天 明天 后天 今天是几月几日星期几? What date is today? 一月 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 前天昨天 今天 明天 后天

第十八课 对话一 Shēng cí 生词 vocabulary

当然 dāngrán of course adv

愿意 yuànyì to be willing av

胖 pàng Fat adj

简单 jiǎndān Simple adj

跑 pǎo to run v

跑步 pǎo bù to jog vo

网球 wǎngqiú Tennis n

拍 pāi Racket n

篮球 lánqiú Basketball n

游泳 yóu yǒng to swim vo

怕 pà to fear; to be afraid of v

难受 nánshòu hard to bear; uncomfortable adj

危险 wēixiǎn Dangerous adj

第十八课 对话一 Yǔ fǎ 语法 grammar

又 yòu (again) adverb Q:我昨天看了一个电影,今天又看了一个。 To indicate repetition of an action over the course of time Q:我昨天看了一个电影,今天又看了一个。 Wǒ zuótiān kàn le yí ge diànyǐng, jīntiān yòu kàn le yí ge I watched a movie yesterday, and watched another one today。

又 yòu (again) adverb Q:你平常吃得那么多,又不运动,当然越来越胖了。 It can also suggest augmentation or exacerbation of certain conditions or circumstances Q:你平常吃得那么多,又不运动,当然越来越胖了。 Nǐ píngcháng chī de nàme duō, yòu bú yùndòng, dāngrán yuè lái yuè pàng le. You usually eat so much, and on top of that you don’t exercise. No wonder you’re putting on more and more weight.

说下去。 下去 xia qu (Indicating Continuation) Shuō xia qu. Go on speaking. To signify the continuation of an action that is already in progress. 说下去。 Shuō xia qu. Go on speaking.

下去 xia qu (Indicating Continuation) To signify the continuation of an action that is already in progress. 中文很有意思,我想学下去。 Zhōngwén hěn yǒu yìsi, wǒ xiǎng xué xia qu. Chinese is very interesting. I’d like to continue learning it.

下去 xia qu (Indicating Continuation) To signify the continuation of an action that is already in progress. 你已经跑了一个多小时了,再跑下去,要累死了。 Nǐ yǐjǐng pǎo le yí ge duō xiǎoshí le, zài pǎo xia qu, yào lèi sǐ le. You’ve already been running for more than an hour; if you keep running, you’ll be exhausted.