Words and Music by Martin J. Nystrom 如同鹿切切渴慕溪水 As the deer Words and Music by Martin J. Nystrom CCLI #1133585
1.如同鹿切切渴慕溪水 我靈亦渴慕追求祢 惟有祢是我心所愛 我渴望來敬拜祢 As the deer panteth for the water 我靈亦渴慕追求祢 So my soul longeth after Thee 惟有祢是我心所愛 You alone are my heart’s desire 我渴望來敬拜祢 And I long to worship Thee CCLI #1133585
祢是我的力量,盾牌 我身心靈唯降服於祢 惟有祢是我心所愛 我渴望來敬拜祢 You alone are my strength, my shield 我身心靈唯降服於祢 To You alone may my spirit yield 惟有祢是我心所愛 You alone are my heart’s desire 我渴望來敬拜祢 And I long to worship Thee CCLI #1133585
2.祢是我好朋友是兄弟 又是我的大君王 我愛祢超過愛任何人 更超過世上萬物 You’re my friend and You are my brother 又是我的大君王 Even though You are a King 我愛祢超過愛任何人 I love You more than any other 更超過世上萬物 So much more than anything CCLI #1133585
祢是我的力量,盾牌 我身心靈唯降服於祢 惟有祢是我心所愛 我渴望來敬拜祢 You alone are my strength, my shield 我身心靈唯降服於祢 To You alone may my spirit yield 惟有祢是我心所愛 You alone are my heart’s desire 我渴望來敬拜祢 And I long to worship Thee CCLI #1133585
I want You more than gold or silver You alone are the real joy giver 3.我要祢勝過世上金銀 I want You more than gold or silver 只有祢能滿我心 Only You can satisfy 唯有祢賜我真實喜樂 You alone are the real joy giver 祢是我眼中瞳仁 And the apple of my eye CCLI #1133585
祢是我的力量,盾牌 我身心靈唯降服於祢 惟有祢是我心所愛 我渴望來敬拜祢 You alone are my strength, my shield 我身心靈唯降服於祢 To You alone may my spirit yield 惟有祢是我心所愛 You alone are my heart’s desire 我渴望來敬拜祢 And I long to worship Thee 如同鹿切切渴慕溪水 As the deer CCLI #1133585