O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架.


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Presentation transcript:

O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架

(1) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架 Though Christ a thousand times In Bethlehem be born, If He’s not born in thee Thy soul is still forlorn. The Cross on Golgotha, Will never save thy soul; The Cross in thine own heart, Alone can make thee whole. 基督雖能千趟 降生於伯利恆, 若未活你心坎, 救恩仍是無成。 各各他的十架, 還不會拯救你; 在你裏的十架, 纔有能醫治你。 (1) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架

(C) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架 I take thee Into this heart of mine, To help me die to my own self, And rise to Thy life Divine. 哦! 基督的十字架,我接祢進我心; 使我脫自己管轄,完全靠父神生命。 (C) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架

(2) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架 Whate’er thou lovest, man, That too become thou must; God, if thou lovest God, Dust, if thou lovest dust, Go out, God will come in; Die thou and let Him live; Be not and He will be; Wait and He’ll all things give. 人哪!你愛何物, 就要像你所慕; 如主,你若愛主,如土,你若愛土 。 出己,神就進入,死己,神就活出; 無你,就有基督,無物,就得萬物。 (2) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架

(C) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架 I take thee Into this heart of mine, To help me die to my own self, And rise to Thy life Divine. 哦! 基督的十字架,我接祢進我心; 使我脫自己管轄,完全靠父神生命。 (C) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架

(3) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架 To bring thee to thy God, Love takes the shortest route; The way which knowledge leads, Is but a roundabout. Drive out from thee the world, And then thy heart shall be Filled with the love of God, And holy like as He. 你若要認識神,“愛” 是最短路程; 你若跟從知識,就難免常迂迴。 你若不為自己 尋求甚麼利益, 神的聖潔愛心 就要充滿你靈。 (3) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架

(C) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架 I take thee Into this heart of mine, To help me die to my own self, And rise to Thy life Divine. 哦! 基督的十字架,我接祢進我心; 使我脫自己管轄,完全靠父神生命。 (C) O, Cross of Christ 哦!基督的十字架