第四屆雲豹育成企業出題 Mobric specialize in “distributed object-oriented database model” and “large-scale parallel computing”. They chose to target the IoT market. During the incubation, the joint mentors Chunghwa Telecom and The Syscom Group identified their strength and helped Mobric adjust their business model to target a much more promising market – biological genes. Each genome sequencing produced by the whole genome sequencing machine requires 100GB of capacity. The computing and saving takes 10-20 hours and consumes hundreds of GB of DDR. Imagine the time and capacity needed for the whole genome sequencing, which can help diagnose, prevent and cure diseases, or even increase the agricultural and livestock production. Mobric can shorten the processing time by 10-30 times. Chunghwa Telecom offered Mobric a solid cloud infrastructure and support in the business operations. The Syscom Group provides support for Mobric’s market development overseas. They also introduced gene and medical specialist in National Taiwan University and National Chun Hsing University. In 4 months time, Mobric has technology, product, operations, connections and market in place. Chunghwa Telecom gets to enter the market of “gene cloud” early and to be the first in providing this service to customers, hence will profit as first-to-market. The Syscom Group gets to enter the medical industry and be more competitive in overseas markets. Starwing is dedicated to developing effective O2O tools and use iBeacon with an app to push notifications to shoppers. When a shopper enters a shop, she earns certain “footpoints”. If she makes a purchase, she earns more points. The points can be exchanged for coupons, coffee and a number of things. Through big data, Starwing is able to make better predictions of the shopper’s purchasing patterns and push more precise offers and notifications to her. During the mentorship, Taiwan Mobile worked with Starwing to integrate the solution into Taiwan’s Mobile’s business solutions and market to shopping malls, government units, exhibitions, etc. They also worked out a profit sharing scheme.
愛爾達科技 題目 Big Data 數位廣告 OTT影音服務 行動裝置應用 數位匯流創新服務 VR / AR 愛爾達科技 題目 Big Data 數位廣告 透過蒐集與分析各項數據來創造價值,提供決策或是提高網站轉換率。 創造更好的廣告效益,提高廣告商投資報酬率,也增加使用者的廣告點擊率。 OTT影音服務 行動裝置應用 不斷創新服務帶給觀眾更好的視覺體驗,增加觀眾黏著度,創造更好的廣告收益。 以行動裝置為主的應用,如線上購物應用等。 數位匯流創新服務 VR / AR 不限定任何領域,圖像、影音、音訊…各領域的應用都可以,如線上影片編輯服務等…。 運用虛擬實境或擴增實境技術,結合影音播放平台或其他領域,帶給使用者更好的體驗。
愛爾達科技 產品與技術 2016里約奧運虛擬實境轉播 大型雲端影音倉儲系統 Smart Ads Stream 大數據廣告分析平台
愛爾達科技 優勢與資源 擁有全台灣最大數位內容典藏影音資料庫中心 全頻道皆具備多元通路、IPTV & OTT全方位版權 愛爾達科技 優勢與資源 擁有全台灣最大數位內容典藏影音資料庫中心 全頻道皆具備多元通路、IPTV & OTT全方位版權 豐富的網站APP專案建置經驗 自行研發雲端數位影音產製系統 專業的數位影音內容整合者 HD直播工程 | 自製優質節目 | 多媒體影音後製