你的名何其美 Your Name is Beautiful 新心音乐.


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Presentation transcript:

你的名何其美 Your Name is Beautiful 新心音乐

Your Name is Beautiful 1/3 每当夜幕低垂, 举目遥望穹苍 天父, 我发出赞叹 耿耿银河, 点点繁星明月伴 我不禁要向你俯伏敬拜 As night falls, I lift up my eyes and look at the sky Father, I give praises to You Bright stars are accompanied by the moon in the Milky Way galaxy I can’t help but fall down to worship You. Your Name is Beautiful 1/3

Your Name is Beautiful 2/3 渺小的人算甚么, 人生何等短暂 天父, 你为何眷顾 ? 赐下荣耀尊贵为我冠冕, 统管全地 我不禁要大声来赞美 What is tiny mankind; human life is so short  Father, why do you care for them? You give glory and honor as my crown You control all the earth I can’t help but praise You loudly Your Name is Beautiful 2/3

Your Name is Beautiful 3/3 你的名在全地何其美! 我向你伸出双手, 大声宣告你是主 哦父, 你的名在全地何其美 Your name is beautiful in all the earth! I stretch out my hands to You I loudly declare that You are the Lord Oh Father, Your name is beautiful in all the earth! Your Name is Beautiful 3/3