AstroCloud, a Cyber-Infrastructure for Astronomy Research: Overview


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Presentation transcript:

AstroCloud, a Cyber-Infrastructure for Astronomy Research: Overview Chenzhou Cui Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) National Astronomical Observatory of China Ce Yu, Jian Xiao, Boliang He, Changhua Li, Dongwei Fan, Chuanjun Wang, Zhi Hong, Shanshan Li, Linying Mi, Wanghui Wan, Zihuang Cao, Jiawei Wang, Shucheng Yin, Yufeng Fan, Jianguo Wang, et al.

Contents Introduction: Data-intensive astronomy and VO AstroCloud: General information and current status AstroCloud: Prospects

Heroes behind the Big Data

Key Astronomical Projects in China (part of)

Data Data challenges of time domain astronomy (Graham et al. 2012)

Multi Waveband Astronomy

Supernova X-ray IR Optical Radio

Distribution of the institutes with astronomical researches at CAS Changchun Urumqi Xinglong(LAMOST) Miyun Urastai HuaiRou NAOC ITP IHEP Delingha PMO USTC NIAOT SHAO FAST 不同工作波长的望远镜对环境的要求不同,不可能把各种类型的观测设备放在同一个地方。天文学的研究需要数据的融合,而仪器物理上的分散又给融合带来挑战。 Gaomeigu YNAO 7 Distribution of the institutes with astronomical researches at CAS

Virtual Observatory Virtual Observatory (VO) is a data-intensively online astronomical research and education environment, taking advantages of advanced information technologies to achieve seamless, global access to astronomical information. 虚拟天文台是通过先进的信息技术将全球范围内的研究资源无缝透明连接在一起形成的数据密集型网络化天文研究与科普教育平台。 The Virtual Observatory (VO) aims to provide a research environment that will open up new possibilities for scientific research based on data discovery, efficient data access, and interoperability. International Virtual Observatory Alliance 我给虚拟天文台下了一个定义。“虚拟天文台是通过先进的信息技术将全球范围内的研究资源无缝透明连接在一起形成的数据密集型网络化天文研究与科普教育平台。”这里有几点我想强调一下儿。虚拟天文台是技术使能的,是先进的IT技术让它的梦想有了实现的可能。虚拟天文台利用的是全球范围内的资源,不仅局限于一个大学、一个天文台或者一个局域网。虚拟天文台中的资源是无缝透明地融合在一起的,用户不会感觉到它们在物理位置上的差异。还有,虚拟天文台是数据密集型的,它的目的是要让所有能够接触到互联网的人都可以得到真实而丰富的天文数据,进而充分发挥这些数据的科学价值。万维网的威力在于它的透明性,仿佛所有的资料都存在于你自己的PC上。虚拟天文台的目标也是要达到这样的透明性,把天文数据和相关信息带到你的PC上。 --"facilitate the international coordination and collaboration necessary for the development and deployment of the tools, systems and organizational structures necessary to enable the international utilization of astronomical archives as an integrated and interoperating virtual observatory." 9

China-VO Virtual Observatory (VO) is a data-intensively online astronomical research and education environment, taking advantages of advanced information technologies to achieve seamless, global access to astronomical information. Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) is the national VO project in China initiated in 2002 by Chinese astronomical community leading by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. China-VO became a member of the IVOA with the recommendation of Dr. Jim Gray R&D Focuses China-VO Platform Unified Access to On-line Astronomical Resources and Services VO-ready Projects and Facilities VO-based Astronomical Research Activities VO-based Public Education

Development Achievements VO-DAS VOFilter SkyMouse FITS Manager FitHAS

Data Access Services

Data resources at the CAsDC From China LAMOST Sky Survey The South Galactic Cap U-band Sky Survey (SCUSS) CSTAR BATC Xinjiang radio telescope (25m) Lijiang 2.4m telescope Bootes-4 robotic observatory Astronomical plates digitalization archive AST3 Mirrors of international archives CDS Vizier SDSS SkyServer 2MASS WISE Chandra UCAC USNO ADS

AstroCloud Project National Astronomical Observatories, CAS Purple Mountain Observatory Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Yunnan Astronomical Observatory Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory 2013.3 – 2015.12 在充分调研和深入探讨的基础上我们完成了天文科技领域云的初步设计,利用云计算技术和虚拟化手段整合各个参建单位的存储、数据、计算、特色应用和专题服务,形成存储云、数据云、计算云和服务器,进而融合为统一的“天文学科技领域云”,最终纳入我院科技云平台。

AstroCloud Major Functions Telescope Open Access 2.4m, 2.16m, radio telescopes, public telescopes Data Discovery and Access Virtual Observatory Seamless astronomy Data Mining and KDD Cloud computing Software and tools Data Visualization Interactive On-the-fly

AstroCloud Architecture The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a comprehensive end-to-end astronomy research environment where several independent systems seamlessly collaborate to support the full lifecycle of the modern observational astronomy based on big data, from proposal submission, to data archiving, data release, and to in-situ data analysis and processing.

Proposal Submission and Management

YNAO 2.4m Proposal Management

Data archiving and quality control data transfer data ingestion metadata management backup and security

Date exploration and interoperability Data channel connects the observation proposals, data, virtual machines and software. According to the unique ID system, data can be collected by PI’s proposals, or by the search interfaces. Searche results can be easily saved to cloud storages, including the storage with virtual machines, or several commercial platforms like Dropbox. VOTable formatted searching result could be sent to kinds of VO software. Data Tables Files Metadata Access Control statistics Data Access System log Conesearch Spectrum Access Webpages Aladin Topcat … Customed Query File Request

Cloud Computing and VMs Based on CloudStack, we set up the cloud computing environment for AstroCloud. It consists of five distributed nodes across the mainland of China. Based on GlusterFS, we built a scalable cloud storage system. Each user has a private space, which can be shared among different virtual machines and desktop systems.

Whole lifecycle management

Timeline Project approved Alpha version and commissioning Beta version 2013.3 Alpha version and commissioning 2014.5.15 Beta version early of 2015 Operation by the end of 2015

Current Status Registered users: 171 (by 2014.10.08) Cloud nodes: 3 Beijing, Kunming, Urumqi VM stances: 41 Proposal management client: 1 YNAO 2.4 telescope NAOC 2.16 telescope Xinjiang 25m radio telescope Datasets collected in China: 7 LAMOST、BATC、CSTAR、SCUSS、AST3、Bootes-4、2m4 User contributed photographs: 41

AstroCloud: prospects An information and data management system for Chinese telescopes A gateway for astronomical data A data mining and scientific discovery environment for astronomical research A test bed for VO technologies

Further information P8.3: "AstroCloud, ... Architecture“, Xiao et al. P5.1: "AstroCloud, ... Data Archiving and Quality Control“, He et al. P1.3: "AstroCloud, ... Data Access and Interoperability“, Fan et al. P1.2: "AstroCloud, ... Cloud Computing Environments“, Li et al.

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