Introduction to PPT Skills


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to PPT Skills E Introduction to PPT Skills Yeh, Ping-Cheng (Benson) EEII 248 Tech. Present. Fall 2011

Mastering PowerPoint

Can you draw a number line with 16 ticks in one min.?

Useful Functions 上移一層、下移一層、移至最上層、移至最下層 群組、取消群組、復原群組 貼齊格線 靠左/中/右對齊、靠上/中/下對齊、垂直/水平均分 水平/垂直翻轉、向左/右旋轉90度、自由旋轉 弧線、直線、手繪多邊形、編輯端點、其他線條/箭號 挑選物件樣式、套用物件樣式 縮小/放大字型 靠左/中/右對齊文字、行距 裁切、設定透明色彩 自訂動畫 You should add all of this functions to your tool bar!

Create an Efficient Working Environment

Useful hot keys Now plot a number line with 16 clicks! Shift Ctrl Ctrl + Shift Esc Now plot a number line with 16 clicks!

Applying Animation in Your Slides Animation is helpful for expressing your ideas clearly to your audiences Yet, too much animation is annoying. Do not apply irregular or awkward animations on words.

Animation Setting Tips How to set your animations in order? Copy and paste Select in order Ex:

Animation Options 進入 結束 路徑 按一下、與前動作同時、接續前動畫 效果選項 Again, remember not to use too fancy animations. It might distract your audiences!!

The Power of Master Slides What should we do if we make changes to one slide and hope the changes also applies to all other slides as well? We can do that with the help of master slides (投影片母片)

Miscellaneous How to copy figure from PDF to PowerPoint with good resolution? Obtain good graphing materials from clip art (美工圖案) Microsoft Office Online Color usage Dark background or light background? What color to use? PPT or PPTX?

In-Class Activities 自我介紹 分組(三人一組) 流程圖動畫製作

Homework 3

動畫製作 製作至少具備三十動之動畫上傳至FTP,可選擇任何題材: Case 1:故事 Case 2: 遊戲攻略、etc. …