商务入门期末导学 1.题型 2.示例
题型 1. 填空题 (10题,20%) 2. 单项选择题 (15题,30%) 3. 多项选择题 (15题,30%) 4. 判断题 (10题,20%)
示例 1. 填空题 survive, crisis (1)____________management describes how the managers prepare for and react to a sudden change. (2)In the short run firms may have to sacrifice profit to ___________, e.g. in a price war.
2. 单项选择题 What is USP ( ) A. Unique selling products B. Unique sales points C. Unique selling proposition D. Unique sales products
In what way can profit be used ( ) 3. 多项选择题 In what way can profit be used ( ) A. To reward owners B. To invest into business C. To attract investors D. To gain economies of scale
4. 判断题 Agents do not take ownership of the goods. They present a firm and try to gain sales for it. By exclusive channel, we mean the number of outlets is usually very limited. It is suitable for convenience goods.
Keys 1. crisis, survive 2. C 3. ABC 4. T,F