我 願 事 奉 祢 I Will Serve Thee William J. Gaither Gloria Gaither


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Presentation transcript:

我 願 事 奉 祢 I Will Serve Thee William J. Gaither Gloria Gaither 聖徒詩歌 #345 我 願 事 奉 祢 I Will Serve Thee William J. Gaither Gloria Gaither CCLI #1133585 CCLI # 1133585 1

You have given life to me 1. 345 – 我願事奉祢 I Will Serve Thee 我 願 愛 祢 I will serve Thee 全 心 事 奉 祢 Because I love Thee 祢 已 將 生 命 賜 我 You have given life to me 我 無 所 有 I was nothing 1 of 3 CCLI # 1133585 2

Heart aches broken pieces Ruined lives are why you die on Calvary 2. 345 – 我願事奉祢 I Will Serve Thee 祢 將 我 尋 回 Before you found me 將 生 命 白 白 賜 我 You given life to me 憂 傷 ,破 碎 心 靈 Heart aches broken pieces 使 祢 為 我 在 各 各 他 受 死 Ruined lives are why you die on Calvary 2 of 3 CCLI # 1133585 3

Your touch was what I longed for You haven given lift to me 3. 345 – 我願事奉祢 I Will Serve Thee 慈 愛 滿 足 我 需 求 Your touch was what I longed for 又 將 生 命 賜 給 我 You haven given lift to me 3 of 3 CCLI # 1133585 4