醫治我 Heal me, Lord Grace Tseng, Sandy Yu 曾祥怡 CCLI #1133585.


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Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4
Presentation transcript:

醫治我 Heal me, Lord Grace Tseng, Sandy Yu 曾祥怡 CCLI #1133585

壓傷的蘆葦祂不折斷 將殘的蠟燭祂不吹熄 A bruised and withered reed, He will not break A dimly burning flame, He will not quench 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

All my days of life is in His hand Peace and joy will follow me 一生的年歲在祂手裡 All my days of life is in His hand 平安喜樂都陪伴我 Peace and joy will follow me 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 For You are Lord of all, almighty God 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Soaring on eagle’s wings, running after You 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

壓傷的蘆葦祂不折斷 將殘的蠟燭祂不吹熄 A bruised and withered reed, He will not break A dimly burning flame, He will not quench 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

All my days of life is in His hand Peace and joy will follow me 一生的年歲在祂手裡 All my days of life is in His hand 平安喜樂都陪伴我 Peace and joy will follow me 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 For You are Lord of all, almighty God 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Soaring on eagle’s wings, running after You 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

壓傷的蘆葦祂不折斷 將殘的蠟燭祂不吹熄 A bruised and withered reed, He will not break A dimly burning flame, He will not quench 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

All my days of life is in His hand Peace and joy will follow me 一生的年歲在祂手裡 All my days of life is in His hand 平安喜樂都陪伴我 Peace and joy will follow me 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 For You are Lord of all, almighty God 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Soaring on eagle’s wings, running after You 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I will be made whole 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 For You are Lord of all, almighty God 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Soaring on eagle’s wings, running after You 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

For You are Lord of all, almighty God 喔 醫 治 我 哦 Oh…. Heal me, Lord, O 萬軍之耶和華 全能的主 For You are Lord of all, almighty God 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

醫治我 我必得痊癒 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 醫治我 我必得痊癒 Heal me, Lord, I have been made whole 如鷹展翅上騰 奔跑走天路 Soaring on eagle’s wings, running after You 醫治我Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585

Peace and joy will follow me 平安喜樂都陪伴我 Peace and joy will follow me 醫治我Heal me, Lord 醫治我 Heal me, Lord CCLI #1133585