Shine 為主發光.


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Presentation transcript:

Shine 為主發光

Introduction 引言:

China 中國 1.3 billion people 13億人口

250,000 Christians when Communism took over 共產黨開始執政時有250,000基督徒 Church went underground. 教會轉入地下

Today 100 million Christians 現在有一千萬基督徒 Astronomical Church growth 教會極大發展 Church grew by 400 times in less than 50 years 教會不到50年就增長了400倍

Even though the church has grown by 400 times in the last 50 years, there are still 1.2 billion people in that nation who have not heard the gospel message. 雖然教會不到50年就增長了400倍,這個國家仍有12億的人們尚未聽到過福音

Shine 為主發光

People are walking in darkness 人們正行走在黑暗中 以賽亞書 Isaiah 9:2-3 “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest….” (2)在黑暗中行走的百姓看見了大光;住在死 蔭之地的人有光照耀他們。 (3) 你使這國民繁 多,加增他們的喜樂;他們在你面前歡喜, 好像收割的歡喜,像人分擄物那樣的快樂。

Context of the verse 這段經文的背景: Judah has turned away from God. People are suffering greatly. 猶大已經轉離神。當時人們深受苦難。 People have turned to medium and spiritists. 人們已經轉向交鬼和巫師。 Isaiah – prophet urges the people to return to God and prophesies hope and future- Isaiah prophesies the coming of Jesus Christ. 先知以賽亞呼籲人們回轉向神,並預言希望和未來—以賽亞預言耶穌基督的再次到來。

What does it mean to walk in darkness? 在黑暗中行走意味著什麼? Walking in a place devoid of light… 行走在完全沒有光的地方……

What are some of the feelings that one may experience when walking in darkness? 行走在黑暗中有什麼感覺? Anxiety, fear, confusion, unhappiness, lack of peace 焦慮,恐懼,困惑,不快樂,沒有平安

Why are people walking in darkness? 為什麼人們會行走在黑暗中? Sin 罪 Own choices 自己的選擇 God’s ordained path 神命定的道路

How do we walk out of darkness? 我們如何走出黑暗? By looking for the Light and moving closer to the Light 尋求光,更加靠近光

He Delivers Us from Darkness 祂救拔我們出黑暗 以賽亞書Isaiah 58:8-9 “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I.” 這樣,你的光就必發現如早晨的光;你所得的醫治要速速發明。你的公義必在你前面行;耶和華的榮光必作你的後盾。那時你求告,耶和華必應允;你呼求,他必說:我在這裡。

God desires to bring wholeness and healing spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically. 神渴望為我們的靈命、情感、人際關係和身體賜下醫治和完全。

Choose to walk towards the Light so He can shine on you and you can hear Him and He can set you free. 選擇走向光,讓神光照你,使你得以聽見祂的話語,並讓祂使你得自由。

Arise and Shine 興起,發光 以賽亞書Isaiah 60:1-2 “Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” 興起,發光!因為你的光已經來到!耶和華的榮耀發現照耀你。看哪,黑暗遮蓋大地,幽暗遮蓋萬民,耶和華卻要顯現照耀你;他的榮耀要現在你身上。

How do we shine? 如何發光? Interest to overcome darkness and be victorious 樂意勝過黑暗並且得勝 Involvement of your heart, mind and soul 在身心靈三方面都投入參與 Investment of our time, life, energy, gifts, talents, money 在時間、生命、精力、恩賜、才幹、和錢財等方面參與投入