(1) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中


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146我知所信的是誰 I Know Whom I Have Believed
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Presentation transcript:

(1) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Walking with the Lord day by day; Going step by step, in the light of His word, Company and strength all the way. 何等的鼓勵,蒙聖靈的幫助, 逐日逐時與主同行; 無論尺寸步,靠話語的指揮, 有主能力,仁愛,生命。 (1) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Walking, yes, I’m walking in the Spirit of my Lord! Living, yes, I’m living now by faith in His word; So He keeps me still, strong to do His will; Walking in His comfort day by day.   行走, 我是行走在聖靈的能力中! 生活, 我是生活在話語的信實中! 是祂保守我,祂旨意堅守, 逐日,逐時蒙祂幫助我。 (C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(2) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Oh! What peace my heart now doth know; Living in His light, singing in His joy! Music in my soul all aglow. 何等的鼓勵,蒙聖靈的幫助, 我心充滿何等平安! 活在祂光中,唱歌有祂喜樂, 我的魂間音樂常滿。 (2) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Walking, yes, I’m walking in the Spirit of my Lord! Living, yes, I’m living now by faith in His word; So He keeps me still, strong to do His will; Walking in His comfort day by day.   行走, 我是行走在聖靈的能力中! 生活, 我是生活在話語的信實中! 是祂保守我,祂旨意堅守, 逐日,逐時蒙祂幫助我。 (C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(3) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 How sweet is my life in the Lord! List’ning to His voice, doing his good will, Conquering thro’ faith in His word. 何等的鼓勵, 蒙聖靈的幫助, 主裡生活何等甘甜! 聽祂的聲音,遵祂智慧美意, 信靠祂話,爭戰得勝。 (3) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Walking, yes, I’m walking in the Spirit of my Lord! Living, yes, I’m living now by faith in His word; So He keeps me still, strong to do His will; Walking in His comfort day by day.   行走, 我是行走在聖靈的能力中! 生活, 我是生活在話語的信實中! 是祂保守我,祂旨意堅守, 逐日,逐時蒙祂幫助我。 (C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(4) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Free from all sin, all care and pain; Praying, working trusting sweetly all the way, Waiting ‘til my Lord comes again. 何等的鼓勵, 蒙聖靈的幫助, 脫罪,脫慮,也能脫害! 不斷甘甜的禱告,相信,工作, 一直等候我主回來。 (4) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中

(C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中 Walking, yes, I’m walking in the Spirit of my Lord! Living, yes, I’m living now by faith in His word; So He keeps me still, strong to do His will; Walking in His comfort day by day.   行走, 我是行走在聖靈的能力中! 生活, 我是生活在話語的信實中! 是祂保守我,祂旨意堅守, 逐日,逐時蒙祂幫助我。 (C) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中