GRAMMAR 语法 除了。。。以外。。。 Besides; except, apart from 除了打球以外,他还喜欢音乐。 Besides ball games, he likes music. Usually followed by 还/也 clause. ( means also)
Making sentences 除了看电影以外,他还喜欢看小说。 除了篮球以外,他还打网球和排球。 除了运动以外,他还喜欢画画儿。 除了听音乐,他还喜欢唱歌。 Besides playing guitar, he likes to read. Besides swimming, he likes playing computer games. Besides playing violin, she can also sing. Apart from dancing, she can play table tennis.
GAME RULES 游戏规则 Groups of 4 (A,B,C,D) Start with A, pick a card and put it against your forehead without looking. Your team members will give you clues in English about what the word is. The words will be in Chinese. There are certain ‘forbidden words’ you cannot say, otherwise you will forfeit your turn. You will have to guess the word and say it in Chinese to keep the card. You will have 1 minute to guess before times up! If you don’t guess it, put the card at the bottom of the pile. Person who has the most cards at the end of 20 mins, WINS!