第十二計: 順手牽羊 By Peter Hsieh 謝沛成.


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Presentation transcript:

第十二計: 順手牽羊 By Peter Hsieh 謝沛成

Meaning 本指趁機偷竊別人的財物,在這引申為把握對方出現小缺失的機會,我們應該把握機會,進而謀取利益,就算只有小利也要把握住。 本指趁机偷窃别人的财物,在这引申为把握对方出现小缺失的机会,我们应该把握机会,进而谋取利益,就算只有小利也要把握住。 Originally it means to steal something when the opportunity presents itself. Here it means to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself, no matter how small, and to profit from it.

Story (Traditional) 趙國求救 公元前354年,魏惠王打算進攻北邊的趙國,他派龐涓領軍前往攻打,兩年後攻到趙國首都邯鄆城下,趙王眼看局勢不利便向實力雄厚的楚國求助。 楚王的宰相昭奚恤反對出兵,只有景舍贊成出兵並且提出一個以救趙為名義,一方面削弱魏國實力,一方面可以順手牽羊,替楚國謀取利益的計策。 楚王便派景舍領軍從趙、楚國界進入趙國,不久龐涓就攻下邯鄆城,這時卻聽到齊軍進攻魏國首都大梁,龐涓連忙撤兵趕回魏國,沒想到在半路上,又遇到齊軍的伏兵,吃了大敗仗。 此時魏、趙兩國都受到重創,但對楚軍卻是大好時機,景舍便趁機佔領趙國南部的部分領土, 他的「順手牽羊」計謀便大功告成。 趙國的求援,讓楚國有領兵進趙國的機會,加上齊國趁魏國城中無兵力便前往攻打,這個有利的時機,使得楚國不費一兵一卒,便佔領趙國的部分領土,也就是順手所牽的「羊」。

Story (Simplified) 赵国求救 公元前354年,魏惠王打算进攻北边的赵国,他派庞涓领军前往攻打,两年后攻到赵国首都邯郓城下,赵王眼看局势不利便向实力雄厚的楚国求助。 楚王的宰相昭奚恤反对出兵,只有景舍赞成出兵并且提出一个以救赵为名义,一方面削弱魏国实力,一方面可以顺手牵羊,替楚国谋取利益的计策。 楚王便派景舍领军从赵、楚国界进入赵国,不久庞涓就攻下邯郓城,这时却听到齐军进攻魏国首都大梁,庞涓连忙撤兵赶回魏国,没想到在半路上,又遇到齐军的伏兵,吃了大败仗。 此时魏、赵两国都受到重创,但对楚军却是大好时机,景舍便趁机占领赵国南部的部分领土, 他的「顺手牵羊」计谋便大功告成。 赵国的求援,让楚国有领兵进赵国的机会,加上齐国趁魏国城中无兵力便前往攻打,这个有利的时机,使得楚国不费一兵一卒,便占领赵国的部分领土,也就是顺手所牵的「羊」。

Story (pinyin) gōngyuánqián 354nián, WèiHuìWáng dăsuàn jìngōng bĕibiān de Zhàoguó, tā pài PángJuān lĭng jūn qiánwăng gōngdă, liăngnián hòu gōngdào Zhàoguó shŏudū HánYùnChéng xià, ZhàoWáng yănkàn júshì bùlì biànxiàng shílì xiónghòu de Chŭguó qiúzhù. ChŭWáng de zăixiàng ZhāoXīXù fănduì chūbīng, zhĭyŏu JĭngShĕ zànchéng chūbīng bìngqiĕ tíchū yīgè yĭjiù Zhào wéimíngyì, yī fāngmiàn xuēruò Wèiguó shílì, yī fāngmiàn kĕyĭ shùnshŏuqiānyáng, tì Chŭguó móuqŭ lìyì de jìcè. ChŭWáng biàn pài JĭngShĕ lĭng jūn cōng Zhào, Chŭguó jièjìn rù Zhàoguó, bùjiŭ PángJuān jiù gōngxià HánYùnChéng, zhèshí què tīngdào Qí jūn jìngōng Wèiguó shŏudū Dàliáng, PángJuān liánmáng chèbīng gănhuí Wèiguó, méi xiăngdào zài bànlù shăng, yòu yùdào Qíjūn de fúbīng, chīle dàbàizhàng. cĭshí Wèi, Zhào, liăngguó dōu shòudào zhòngchuāng, dàn duì Chŭjūn què shì dàhăo shíjī, JĭngShĕ biàn chènjī zhànlĭng Zhàoguó nánbù de bùfèn lĭngtŭ. Tāde “shùnshŏuqiānyáng” jìmóu biàn dàgōnggàochéng. Zhàoguó de qiúyuán, ràng Chŭguó yŏu lĭngbīng jìn Zhàoguó de jīhuì, jiāshàng Qíguó chèn Wèiguó chéngzhōng wúbīnglì biàn qiánwăng gōngdă zhège yŏulì de shíjī, shĭde Chŭguó bùfèi yībīng yīzú, biàn zhànlĭng Zhàoguó de bùfèn lĭngtŭ, yĕ jiùshì shùnshŏu suŏ qiān de “yáng”.

English Jhao Appeals for Help In 354 BC, King Wei Huei was planning to launch an attack on Jhao, a country north of Wei. He appointed Pang-Juan as his general. Two years later the Wei army fought its way to Handan (city in Hebei), the capital of Jhao, and laid a siege outside the city walls. Jhao was desperate, so the king of Jhao appealed to Chu for help. At that time, Chu was a country with a strong military. After hearing Jhao's appeal for help, the prime minister of Chu advised against coming to Jhao's aid, but another advisor Jing She thought otherwise. Jing She was in favor of sending the troops. He proposed a strategy by which under the pretext of rescuing Jhao, they could undermine the strength of Wei while profiting from Chu. So the king of Chu appointed Jing She as the general of the army. In the name of rescuing Jhao, the Chu army entered Jhao. Soon Handan (city in Hebei) was seized by the Wei general Pang-Juan. But immediately, news came that the capital of Wei was under siege by the Ci army. So Pang-Juan hastily left Handan (city in Hebei) and retreated immediately to defend Wei's capital. However, the Wei troops were ambushed on their way back by the Ci army and suffered heavy losses. Both Wei and Jhao had been hurt badly in this episode and are in no position to fight again in the near term. This presented Chu with a golden opportunity. Since the Chu army was already in Jhao, Jing She quickly seized the southern part of Jhao, and there was nothing Jhao could do. As a result, Jing She's tactic of "Stealing a goat along the way" proved to be a big success. The appeal for help from Jhao provided a pretext for Chu to legitimately enter Jhao with its troops. Coupled with the unexpected event of the attack on the capital of Wei by the Ci army while the bulk of Wei's army was laying siege to Jhao, this was a great opportunity for Chu to seize more land from Jhao without having to fight for it. The "goat" in this strategy refers to the territory of Jhao.

Link to Recording http://yourlisten.com/channel/content/90704/Seize_the_Opportunity_to_Lead_the_Sheep_Away

去進攻趙國! 魏 龐涓

救我們楚國! 趙

景舍 我們應該出兵 楚

龐涓 齊軍進攻魏國了! 趙國

龐涓 齊 伏兵!

順手牽羊! 景舍 趙國