I Surrender 我奉獻一切.


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Presentation transcript:

I Surrender 我奉獻一切

In the highest hopes I harbor, in the depths of all I dream, in the fruits of all my labor, You alone will reign supreme. 在我最深的盼望, 我一切夢想和努力的成果中 惟有祢掌管一切 (1) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

In my joy and in my sorrow, in my gain and in my loss, in my plans for each tomorrow, I will glory in Your cross. 或喜樂或悲傷,或得或失, 在我一切計劃中 我要誇祢的十架 (2) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

I surrender all. I surrender all. Lord, I heed Your call to leave behind the things time will erase. to follow You, led by Your love and grace. 主,我奉獻一切給祢 我聽從祢的呼召,捨棄世上隨著時間逝去的事物 我聽從祢的呼召來跟隨祢,祢的慈愛和恩典引導我 (3) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

In the places of my heart, in the things just shared with You, in my silent psalms of seeking, Lord, I sing alone to You. 在我心深處, 單獨與祢的交通和無聲的尋求中 主,我單要向祢歌唱 (4) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

In the steps along life’s journey, in the sojourn of my soul, in the voyage now before me, I relinquish my control. 在我一生所行道路, 我的心路歷程和前途 我交出自己的主權 (5) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

I surrender all. I surrender all. Lord, I heed Your call to leave behind the things time will erase. Lord I heed Your call to follow You, led by Your love and grace. 主,我奉獻一切給祢 我聽從祢的呼召,捨棄世上隨著時間逝去的事物 我聽從祢的呼召來跟隨祢,祢的慈愛和恩典引導我 (6) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

I surrender all. I surrender all. Lord, I heed Your call to leave behind the things time will erase. Lord I heed Your call to follow You, led by Your love and grace. I’ll follow You, led by Your love and grace. 主,我奉獻一切給祢 我聽從祢的呼召,捨棄世上隨著時間逝去的事物 我聽從祢的呼召來跟隨祢,祢的慈愛和恩典引導我 (7) I Surrender 我奉獻一切

All to Jesus I surrender. All to Him I freely give, I’ll follow You, led by Your love and grace. Follow You, I’ll follow You, Lord. 我奉獻所有與耶穌, 甘心樂意奉獻所有給祂 我要跟隨祢, 祢的慈愛和恩典引導我 主,我要跟隨祢 (8) I Surrender 我奉獻一切