In Christ Alone (Verse 1) 在基督裡 In Christ alone my hope is found 在基督裡我得盼望 He is my Light, my Strength, my Song 祂是亮光、力量、詩歌 This Cornerstone, this Solid Ground 這房角石,堅固磐石 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm 不怕乾旱、兇猛風暴 1/8
In Christ Alone (Chorus 1) 在基督裡 What heights of love, what depths of peace 無比慈愛,何等平安 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease 懼怕消逝,爭戰平息 My Comforter, my All in All 我的安慰,我的一切 Here in the love of Christ I stand 因主的愛我得站立 2/8
In Christ Alone (Verse 2) 在基督裡 In Christ alone, who took on flesh 惟有基督道成肉身 Fullness of God in helpless Babe 完全的神成為人子 This gift of love and righteousness 帶來公義,恩典禮物 Scorned by the ones He came to save 祂來拯救卻被棄絕 3/8
In Christ Alone (Chorus 2) 在基督裡 ‘Til on that cross as Jesus died 直到耶穌十架受死 The wrath of God was satisfied 神的憤怒得以停息 For every sin on Him was laid 所有罪孽祂全承擔 Here in the death of Christ I live 因主受死我得生命 4/8
In Christ Alone (Verse 3) 在基督裡 There in the ground His body lay 祂的身體在洞穴裡 Light of the world by darkness slain 世上之光在黑暗裡 Then bursting forth in glorious day 直到那日,榮耀清晨 Up from the grave He rose again 從墳墓裡祂又復活 5/8
In Christ Alone (Chorus 3) 在基督裡 And as He stands in victory 當祂勝過罪惡權勢 Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me 死亡毒勾不再害我 For I am His and He is mine 我屬於祂,祂屬於我 Bought with the precious blood of Christ 因主寶血我得救贖 6/8
In Christ Alone (Verse 4) 在基督裡 No guilt in life, no fear in death 勝過罪惡,不懼死亡 This is the power of Christ in me 基督大能今護庇我 From life’s first cry to final breath 從我誕生直到離世 Jesus commands my destiny 我的生命在主手裡 7/8
In Christ Alone (Chorus 4) 在基督裡 No power of hell, no scheme of man 沒有邪惡或是權謀 Could ever pluck me from His hand 能使我們與神隔絕 ‘Til He returns or calls me home 直到主來或歸天家 Here in the power of Christ I stand 因主大能我得站立 8/8