and help us all to find our way. 聖嬰,預言裡的嬰孩,他們說有一天你將來臨,


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Presentation transcript:

and help us all to find our way. 聖嬰,預言裡的嬰孩,他們說有一天你將來臨, Baby Boy 聖嬰 Baby boy, child of prophecy, they said that You would come to us one day to lead us through the night, from darkness into light, and help us all to find our way. 聖嬰,預言裡的嬰孩,他們說有一天你將來臨, 領人經過黑夜,幫助我們尋找出路, 從黑暗進入光明。 Baby boy, child of purity, we greet You in a lowly cattle stall, 聖嬰,純潔的聖嬰,我們在卑微的馬槽裡迎接你, 1 (1) Baby Boy 聖嬰

beneath the stars that shine on high. God’s true and only Son, the chosen, promised one who some day will redeem us all. 你是神的獨生子,應許之子, 有一天你將拯救我們所有的人。 So sleep, baby, sleep, while angel voices echo through the sky. Sleep, baby, sleep, beneath the stars that shine on high. 睡吧,孩子,睡吧, 當天使的聲音迴響在明亮的天空下。 2 (2) Baby Boy 聖嬰

小聖嬰,命定的孩子,神從天上差你到世上來醫治,使我們完全,幫助我們向世人分享平安和愛。 Baby boy, child of destiny, God sends You to the world from heav’n above to calm each troubled soul, to heal and make us whole and help us share Your peace and love. 小聖嬰,命定的孩子,神從天上差你到世上來醫治,使我們完全,幫助我們向世人分享平安和愛。 So sleep, baby, sleep, while angels sing the tidings of Your birth.Sleep, baby, sleep, You are the hope for all the earth. 睡吧,孩子,在天使傳揚你誕生的歌聲中安睡吧。睡吧,孩子,睡吧,你是全世界的希望。 3 (3) Baby Boy 聖嬰

We celebrate the love You bring. Baby boy, child of majesty, You come to rule our lives as Lord and King. 小聖嬰,大能的孩子, 你來要像君王主宰我們的生命。 Our voices now we raise in glory and in praise to celebrate the joy, the peace, the hope; We celebrate the love You bring. 我們要以榮耀和讚美揚聲,歡慶迎喜樂, 平安和希望;我們要歡慶你帶來的大愛。 4 (4) Baby Boy 聖嬰