Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名(1)


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Presentation transcript:

Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名(1) Jesus, who died for me, Jesus, who set me free; Jesus, for eternity, and I praise His holy name. Jesus is glory and might, Jesus, God’s heavenly light; Jesus is my delight, and I praise His holy name. 耶穌為我死,使我得自由 耶穌存到永久,我要讚美祂的聖名 耶穌是榮耀與能力,是神屬天的亮光 耶穌是我心所樂,我要讚美祂的聖名 Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名(1)

Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (2) Oh, what a beautiful name. Oh, what a heavenly name. Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus, to Him I pray, Jesus, each and every day. Jesus will show me the way, And I praise His holy name. 哦, 何等奇妙的名, 何等美麗聖名, 耶穌基督, 我們的主. 耶穌- 我每日向祂祈禱 祂必指引我的路, 我要讚美祂的聖名 Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (2)

Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (3) Oh, what a beautiful name. Oh, what a heavenly name. Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus, hear the angels sing. Jesus, hear our voices ring. Jesus is my Lord and King, And I praise His holy name. 哦, 何等奇妙的名, 何等美麗聖名, 耶穌基督,我們的主. 耶穌 - 天使歌頌, 眾聲響應 耶穌是我主 我王, 我要讚美祂的聖名 Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (3)

Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (4) Oh, what a beautiful name. Oh, what a heavenly name. Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus, on heaven’s shore, Jesus, whom I adore, Jesus for evermore, and I praise His holy name. 哦,何等奇妙的名,何等美麗聖名, 耶穌基督,我們的主. 耶穌 - 在天國彼岸,為我心所仰慕 耶穌- 我要永遠讚美祂的聖名 Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (4)

Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (5) Oh, what a beautiful name. Oh, what a heavenly name. Jesus Christ, our Lord. 哦,何等奇妙的名,何等美麗聖名 耶穌基督,我們的主. Oh, What a Wonderful Name 何等奇妙的名 (5)