世界的末了(四):等待的艺术 The End of The Ages (4) : The Art of Waiting


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Presentation transcript:

世界的末了(四):等待的艺术 The End of The Ages (4) : The Art of Waiting 主日崇拜和儿童主日学Worship Service and Children Sunday School 9:15 am – 10:30 am At New Life Church of Woodbury 6758 Bailey Road, Woodbury, MN 55129 世界的末了(四):等待的艺术 The End of The Ages (4) : The Art of Waiting 馬太福音  Matthew 25:1-13 大纲  Outline: 1.等待不仅仅是等待 Waiting is not only waiting (1) 2.等待需要充分的准备 Waiting Needs Sufficient Preparation (2-10) 3.不要愚蠢地等待 Don’t wait foolishly (11-13) 主日崇拜週报 Worship Bulletin 二零一八年十一月十八日 November 18 2018 世界的末了(四):等待的艺术The End of The Ages (4) : The Art of Waiting 馬太福音  Matthew 25:1-13 今日经文 13  Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. 13 所以,你们要警醒;因为那日子,那时辰,你们不知道。  馬太福音 Matthew 25:13 带人信主 , 分享主爱 , 增长灵命 , 装备事奉 Lead to Christ . Nurture to Love . Develop to Maturity . Equip to Serve

活动日历表 Events Calendar 崇拜程序 Service Program 报告事项 Announcements 11/14/18 週三祷告会 Wed Prayer Meeting 6:30pm at Rm 241 of New Life Church 11/28/18 序乐 (请安静默祷 Silent Prayer) Prelude 诗歌敬拜 会众 All Praising 读经  马太福音 Matthew 25:1-13 Scripture Reading 信息 Pastor Chu  朱景良牧师 Sermon 回应诗歌 我的灯需要油 Give Me Oil in My Lamp Response Hymn 欢迎来宾 报告 奉献祷告 Welcome Announcement Offertory Prayer 祝祷 Benediction 默祷, 散会 会众 All Silent Prayer 报告事项 Announcements 请把车停在教堂的西面的停车场,讓來賓使用東面的停车场 Please park your car on the west parking lot of the church so that visitors can park on the east side. 其他报告请浏览本教会网站 Please visit church website for additional announcements ​ ​ - 11/18 今天教會主日學時段將舉行教會年會。​ ​ ​ -今天从下午5点到晚上8点,在黃之達牧师的家裡,有基要真理教学。我們先有potluck晚餐,再一起學習。  欲了解更多資料,请联系黃之達牧师。 ​ -Church annual meeting will be held on 11/18 today’s during Sunday school hour.​ ​ Today from 5pm to 8pm we will have a in-depth teaching of major  doctrines at Pastor Simon Huang’s house.  We will have potluck dinner  first, follows by the teaching. For more info, please contact Pastor  Simon Huang. 若有不方便站立之朋友,在会众站立时间可随意坐下。 Please feel free to sit down during worship if you need to. 请把手提电话转为静音。Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode. 11/11/2018 出席人數 Attendance 奉獻 Offerings (2018预算 Budget: $178,169.16 $3,426.33/ 每週 wk) 成人 / 青少年 / 儿童 Adult /Youth / Children 11/11/18 全年至今 YTD 預算 Budget 77 / 13 / 40 $2,784.49 $130,726.52 $154,184.85 建堂基金 Building Fund  $ 2,804.00  $53,990.00 建堂基金认献 Building Fund Pledge  $144,000.00 $170,000.00 感恩奉獻 Needy Fund $500.00 $6,202.65 Prayer Items 祷告事项 2018 Church Events Calendar 教会活动日程表 请为教会建堂计划祷告。 Pray for our building plan.