怎能如此 And Can It Be 奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死


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Presentation transcript:

怎能如此 And Can It Be 奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死 [1/3] And Can It Be 奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死 Died for me, who caused his pain? Amazing love, how can it be, That thou my God should die for me Amazing love, how can it be, That thou my Lord shouldst die for me

奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死 [2/3] 奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死 Long my imprisoned spirit lay, Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, My chains fell off, my heart was free. Amazing love, how can it be, That thou my Lord shouldst die for me

奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死 [3/3] 奇異的愛!何能如此?我主,我神,竟為我死 Alive in Him, my living Head, Bold I approach the eternal throne, Bold I approach the eternal throne, Amazing love, how can it be, That thou my Lord shouldst die for me