當一切都過去 At the End of the Day


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Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

當一切都過去 At the End of the Day 慕創 042 當一切都過去 At the End of the Day * 無人能像你愛我 There is no one who loves me 以你熱情  充滿愛的眼光 With the passion that I see in Your eyes 唯有你時常陪伴 You are the only one who 在我身旁 當一切都過去 stays beside me at the end of the day 當一切都過去 At the End of the Day

1 往那裡去 在我軟弱羞辱中 唯你憐憫 洗淨我一切的愁苦憂傷 Where can I go 慕創 042 1 往那裡去 Where can I go 在我軟弱羞辱中 In my weaknesses and shame? 唯你憐憫 Only from You 洗淨我一切的愁苦憂傷 Will I find mercy to wash it away 當一切都過去 At the End of the Day

2 往那裡去 才能找到心靈慰藉 尋遍世界 唯有你真能安慰我 Where can I go 慕創 042 2 往那裡去 Where can I go 才能找到心靈慰藉 To find solace in my trouble? 尋遍世界 I’ve searched the world 唯有你真能安慰我 There is no comforter like You 當一切都過去 At the End of the Day

Bridge 幫助我體會 你何等喜悅我 你愛火燃燒 愛我如至寶 Help me, Lord, to see 慕創 042 Bridge 幫助我體會 Help me, Lord, to see 你何等喜悅我 How good You are to me 你愛火燃燒 You have a fiery love 愛我如至寶 That craves for me 當一切都過去 At the End of the Day

There’s only You. There’s only You 慕創 042 Coda 當一切都過去 At the end of the day 我唯有你 我唯有你 There’s only You. There’s only You 當一切都過去 At the End of the Day