在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died


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Presentation transcript:

在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died 1/12 在十架上 我救主舍命 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down where for cleans-ing from sin I cried 教會聖詩 #185

There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 2/12 除我重担 安慰我伤心 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name

荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! *荣耀归主名 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name, Glo-ry to His Name 主宝贝血将我罪洗净 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! 3/12

I am so won-drous-ly saved from sin Je-sus so sweet-ly a-bides with-in 2 4/12 我今靠主 脱离罪权柄 I am so won-drous-ly saved from sin 有主时常 住在我内心 Je-sus so sweet-ly a-bides with-in

There at the cross where He took me in 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name 5/12 我真不配 蒙救主宏恩 There at the cross where He took me in 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name

荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! *荣耀归主名 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name, Glo-ry to His Name 主宝贝血将我罪洗净 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! 6/12

主宝贝血将我罪洗净 靠主恩典 我心甚快乐 3 O, pre-cious foun-tain that saves from sin 7/12 主宝贝血将我罪洗净 O, pre-cious foun-tain that saves from sin 靠主恩典 我心甚快乐 I am so glad, I have en-tered in

There Je-sus saves me and keeps me clean 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name 8/12 赞美我主 时常洁净我 There Je-sus saves me and keeps me clean 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name

荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! *荣耀归主名 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name, Glo-ry to His Name 主宝贝血将我罪洗净 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! 9/12

罪人请来 俯伏主脚前 同得奇妙 赎罪大恩典 4 Come to this foun-tain so rich and sweet 10/12 罪人请来 俯伏主脚前 Come to this foun-tain so rich and sweet 同得奇妙 赎罪大恩典 Cast your poor soul at the Sav-ior’s feet

Plunge in to-day, and be made come-plete 荣耀归主名Glo-ry to His Name 10/12 救主宝血 洗净你罪愆 Plunge in to-day, and be made come-plete 荣耀归主名Glo-ry to His Name

荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! *荣耀归主名 荣耀归主名 Glo-ry to His Name, Glo-ry to His Name 主宝贝血将我罪洗净 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 荣耀归主名! Glo-ry to His name! 12/12