Wonderful, Merciful Savior


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Presentation transcript:

Wonderful, Merciful Savior 奇妙滿有恩慈救主

奇妙滿有恩慈救主 寶貴救主和恩友 可知溫柔羔羊能夠 拯救世人靈魂 Wonderful, merciful Savior 奇妙滿有恩慈救主 Precious Redeemer and Friend 寶貴救主和恩友 Who would have thought that a Lamb could 可知溫柔羔羊能夠 Rescue the souls of men 拯救世人靈魂 Oh, You rescue the souls of men 哦! 祢能拯救人靈魂

策士, 安慰者, 保惠師 Spirit we long to embrace 我們愛慕的聖靈 我們迷惘失落之時 祢就帶來盼望 Counselor, Comforter, Keeper 策士, 安慰者, 保惠師 Spirit we long to embrace 我們愛慕的聖靈 You offer hope when our hearts have 我們迷惘失落之時 Hopelessly lost the way 祢就帶來盼望 Oh, we hopelessly lost the way 哦, 祢今賜給我希望

主、我們稱頌讚美祢 You are the One we adore 我們愛慕敬拜祢─ 祢賜下醫治和恩典 是我們心所嚮 哦! 正是我們心所嚮 You are the One that we praise 主、我們稱頌讚美祢 You are the One we adore 我們愛慕敬拜祢─ You give the healing and grace our 祢賜下醫治和恩典 Hearts always hunger for 是我們心所嚮 Oh, our hearts always hunger for 哦! 正是我們心所嚮

全能無窮盡的父神 滿有信實和慈愛 我們軟弱時祢扶持 我們謙卑祈求 哦! 我們在祢座前求 Almighty, infinite Father 全能無窮盡的父神 Faithfully loving Your own 滿有信實和慈愛 Here in our weakness You find us 我們軟弱時祢扶持 Falling before Your throne 我們謙卑祈求 Oh, we're falling before Your throne 哦! 我們在祢座前求

主、我們稱頌讚美祢 You are the One we adore 我們愛慕敬拜祢─ 祢賜下醫治和恩典 是我們心所嚮 哦! 正是我們心所嚮 You are the One that we praise 主、我們稱頌讚美祢 You are the One we adore 我們愛慕敬拜祢─ You give the healing and grace our 祢賜下醫治和恩典 Hearts always hunger for 是我們心所嚮 Oh, our hearts always hunger for 哦! 正是我們心所嚮 Dawn Rodgers CCLI 1133585 Chinese: CIC