As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee.


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靠主而得的喜樂 The Joy of the Lord 1/4
如同鹿切切渴慕溪水, 我靈亦渴慕追求你。 唯有你是我心所愛, 我渴慕來敬拜你。
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我心渴慕你 My Soul Longs for You
親像鹿在渴慕溪水 (1)親像鹿在渴慕溪水, 我的心切切欣慕你; 獨獨你是我心所愛 我渴慕向你敬拜.
Presentation transcript:

As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee. 神啊,我的心渴慕你 如鹿渴慕溪水, 惟有你是我心所愛、 我渴慕來敬拜你。 As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship Thee. 1/3

如鹿渴慕溪水As the Deer 你是我的力量、盾牌, 我心單單降服於你。 惟有你是我心所愛、 我渴慕來敬拜你。 You alone are my strength, my Shield; To You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship Thee. Chr

even though you are a King I love You more than any other, 如鹿渴慕溪水As the Deer 你是我好朋友,我兄弟 雖然你貴為君王 我愛你超過世上一切, 超過全世界所有。 You‘re my Friend and You‘re my Brother even though you are a King I love You more than any other, so much more than anything. 2/3

如鹿渴慕溪水As the Deer 你是我的力量、盾牌, 我心單單降服於你。 惟有你是我心所愛、 我渴慕來敬拜你。 You alone are my strength, my Shield; To You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship Thee. Chr

more than gold or silver You alone are the real joy giver 如鹿渴慕溪水As the Deer 我愛你勝過我愛金銀, 只有你是我的滿足, 你是我真喜樂的源頭, 是我眼中的瞳仁。 I want You more than gold or silver only You can satisfy You alone are the real joy giver and the apple of my eye. 3/3

如鹿渴慕溪水As the Deer 你是我的力量、盾牌, 我心單單降服於你。 惟有你是我心所愛、 我渴慕來敬拜你。 You alone are my strength, my Shield; To You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship Thee. Chr