我來到主 捨命十架前 哀求我主 洗淨我罪愆 Down at the cross where my Sav-iour died 榮耀歸主名 Glory to His Name (1a) 我來到主 捨命十架前 Down at the cross where my Sav-iour died 哀求我主 洗淨我罪愆 Down where for cleans-ing from sin I cried 1/12 生命聖詩 #84
There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 主寶貝血 把我心洗淨 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 2/12
榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 3/12 *榮耀歸主名Glo-ry to His name (2X) 主寶貝血將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name
I am so won-drous-ly saved from sin Je-sus so sweet-ly a-bides with-in 何等奇妙 主赦我罪過 I am so won-drous-ly saved from sin 主居我心 真甜蜜快樂 Je-sus so sweet-ly a-bides with-in 4/12
There at the cross where He took me in 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 2b 十字架上 主已收留我 There at the cross where He took me in 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 4/12
榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 6/12 *榮耀歸主名Glo-ry to His name (2X) 主寶貝血將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name
主寶血泉 能洗淨罪愆 我罪洗脫 心快樂難言 O pre-cious foun-tain that saves from sin I am so glad I have en-tered in 7/12
榮耀歸主名Glo-ry to His name 3b 主拯救我 使我得潔淨 There Je-sus saves me and keeps me clean 榮耀歸主名Glo-ry to His name 8/12
榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 9/12 *榮耀歸主名Glo-ry to His name (2X) 主寶貝血將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name
寶血泉源豐富又甘甜 快來就主俯伏主腳前 Come to this foun-tain so rich and sweet Cast thy poor soul at the Sav-iour’s feet 10/12
Plunge in to-day and be made com-plete 投寶血泉 使你得完全 Plunge in to-day and be made com-plete 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 11/12
榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name 12/12 *榮耀歸主名Glo-ry to His name (2X) 主寶貝血將我罪洗淨 There to my heart was the blood ap-plied 榮耀歸主名 Glo-ry to His name