Introduction to OvidSP


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to OvidSP CALIS 10th Training Week for Database Utilization 中南大学图书馆长沙 姜雅琴 威科医疗

Ovid是图书馆员、信息科学工作者和研究人员的选择。 为获取精确及完整的检索结果, Ovid是图书馆员、信息科学工作者和研究人员的选择。

Ovid 提供多种文档和培训资源,帮助新用户掌握强大的检索功能

或 将您的培训要求发送到: 或

Agenda 选择数据库 基本检索 高级检索 Find Citation 检索工具 字段检索 多字段检索 检索结果保存/导出 全文链接 建立定题跟踪 期刊浏览 电子书浏览

选择一个或多个数据库 对于订购少量数据库的用户, 选择资源比较容易。对于订购了许多数据库的用户来说,选择资源可通过给数据库重新排序、给数据库重新命名或创建资源组来简化…

选择一个或多个数据库 … 将数据库组合到资源组中

Ovid 的检索页面,将多种检索模式、限制条件、检索历史,以及结果管理工具整合在一个界面

OvidSP 平台提供多种检索模式 基本检索用于查找某个科研课题或问题 利用高级检索进行互动式的主题检索 多字段检索组合字段检索和主题检索,生成复杂的检索策略 Find Citation通过常用引文字段定位某个或几篇文献 检索工具用于浏览主题词的书型结构 浏览或检索单个、多个或所有字段,则运用字段检索

基本检索 Detection of melamine in milk 基本检索是自然语言检索,输入一个完整的检索问题或话题,找到最近几年发表的相关文献。 Detection of melamine in milk

基本检索:查找最新发表的相关文献 基本检索: 1.系统分析检索句子,从中选择主题词,忽略其它无关的词 2.系统为每个主题词找出相关词 3.针对这些主题词组里的所有词进行检索 4.检索结果按相关度排序:从five stars 到two stars,最相关的结果显示在结果最前面 5星或4星的结果: (detection or diagnosis or diagnoses or diagnose) AND (melamine or melamine resin or melamine resins or melamines) AND (milk or milks) 3星或2星的结果: (detection or diagnosis or diagnoses or diagnose) OR (melamine or melamine resin or melamine resins or melamines) OR (milk or milks)

高级检索模式: 关键词检索

高级检索: 主题词匹配(Mapping)

Mapping 2

Mapping 3 Say: Following the same method for China shows that this is also a complex topic containing different regions. Unlike rice, every record that talks about China or a province of China, contains the subject “China”, therefore explode is not really necessary here (for Geographic Areas) but as a rule I would usually select this option. Related Terms are not selected by explode, they are additional options.

Mapping 4 Say: This is the second type of mapping, where one subject means the same as another (they are synonyms) – genetically modified plants are the same as transgenic plants. The section of the thesaurus shows why, any of the Used For entries will be redirected to “transgenic plants”.

Mapping 5 Say: This is the mapping screen for Blast Fungus, this is the third type of mapping, here I haven’t matched with a subject from the CAB Thesaurus, but this is a of subjects list which is most frequently associated with Blast Fungus, including perhaps the top choice which may be the name of the organism responsible. Choose one or more search terms, or combinations as required. These subjects are associated to the words or phrases from the thesaurus in a frequency based list.

组合检索 AND – 包含两个或多个主题 OR – 包含其中一个主题 NOT – 去掉一个主题 (1 not 2, rice not oryza) ADJ# - 检索词之间相距一定数目的单词 – (rice adj6 straw) Say: This brings our completed searches together to form an answer to a topic query – “articles about Blast fungus infestations in rice in China” for example. Number 6 is either blast fungus or the organism, 7 is a combination of all the subjects together. Blue font combinations are avaialable from the Search History menu, the others need to be entered on the command line.

关键词检索,运用截词符 $ or * --替代0-n个字符 # --替代1个字符 ? --替代0或1个字符

限制条件 Limits

限制条件 Limits

Find Citation

检索工具 Search Tools

字段检索 Search Fields, 检索所有字段

字段检索 Search Fields,检索某个/些字段

多字段检索 Multi-Field Search

多库检索 同时检索多个数据库可找到关于某个课题的更多的文献、更多观点或来自不同期刊的文献。 用去重选项移出重复的记录。

多数据库检索 Say: Here is a search across all the databases, note that you can show details by looking at retrieval by database or segment from within Search History

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OvidSP: Linking Access to Ovid Journals External Full Text Library Holdings Document Delivery Ovid Link Packages Other tools and features External Platforms

创建自动定题通告 在检索历史中选择相应的检索策略,通过Save Selected, 选择保存为Auto Alert ;或点击More, 选择Auto Alert保存定题通告。 创建定题通告需要登录个人帐号。

登录个人帐号 登录个人帐号,或创建一个个人帐号

將新的自動定题通告結果以邮件方式发送或RSS自动推送或加进我的课题。即可定期接收到最新的文献。 36

期刊浏览 创建期刊跟踪


进入电子书 从电子书的TOC可快速进入相应的章节内容; 从Index可快速找到书中包含主题词的相关文字