家有嬌妻 Respect Your Husband 弗Eph 5:22-32 家有嬌妻 Respect Your Husband
妻子要順服丈夫 Wife, submit to your husband 順服意味著什麼﹖ What does it mean to submit? 為什麼妻子要順服﹖ Why does a wife have to submit? 妻子如何應該順服﹖ How does a wife submit to her husband?
順服的含義 Meaning of Submission 順服是自願 It is voluntary 順服是敬重 It is out of respect 順服是出於愛 It is based on love 順服是無條件付出 It is unconditional 順服的含義 Meaning of Submission
為什麼妻子要順服﹖ Why does a wife have to submit? 這是上帝的命令 This is a God’s command 丈夫當帶領家庭 A husband is leading the family
妻子應該如何順服﹖ How does a wife submit to her husband? 這是順服上帝的一部分 This is a part of our submission to God 好比教會順服基督一樣 It is just as how the church submits to Christ
給妻子的三點建議 Three Suggestions for Wives 善於溝通,和丈夫一起 作決定 Communicating, let him know your feelings 學習欣賞,相信丈夫才 干和能力 Appreciating, trust his ability and talents 操練信心,結果完全在 神的手中 Exercising faith, believe all in God’s hand
妻子當敬重自己的丈夫! Respect your own husband!