Blessing and Honor 頌讚與尊貴 Hymn 16 CCLI #


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Presentation transcript:

Blessing and Honor 頌讚與尊貴 Hymn 16 CCLI #1133585

And glory be Thine, And glory be Thine, And glory be Thine. 頌讚與尊貴 Blessing and honor And glory be Thine,   And glory be Thine,   And glory be Thine. 頌讚與尊貴 並榮耀歸主 願榮耀歸主,願榮耀歸主; 1 of 5 CCLI # 1133585 2

And glory be Thine, Both now and evermore. 頌讚與尊貴並榮耀歸主, Blessing and honor And glory be Thine, Both now and evermore. 頌讚與尊貴並榮耀歸主, 直到永永遠遠。 2 of 5 CCLI # 1133585 3

聖徒們,來敬拜祂。 讚祂!讚祂!直到永永遠遠。 Praise Him! Praise Him!   All ye saints adore Him.   Praise Him! Praise Him!   Both now and evermore.     Hallelujah! 讚祂!讚祂! 聖徒們,來敬拜祂。 讚祂!讚祂!直到永永遠遠。 哈利路亞! 3 of 5 CCLI # 1133585 4

願榮耀歸主,願榮耀歸主; Blessing and honor And glory be Thine,   And glory be Thine,   And glory be Thine. 頌讚與尊貴並榮耀歸主, 願榮耀歸主,願榮耀歸主; 4 of 5 CCLI # 1133585 5

And glory be Thine, Both now and evermore. 頌讚與尊貴並榮耀歸主, Blessing and honor And glory be Thine, Both now and evermore. 頌讚與尊貴並榮耀歸主, 直到永永遠遠。 5 of 5 CCLI # 1133585 6