Solution of Water Leakage Presentation Prepared by Wheeler Waterproofing (S&C) Ltd. 威德防水建材有限公司 Date: 3 June 2009
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation 目 錄 防水的基本概念及漏水成因 裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521 結晶體滲透性英泥防水 Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry - V. Proof 202 透明PU防水油 Clear Polyurethane Coating – V.Top 521 & V. Top 579 伸縮縫 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 503 傳統防水 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema Acrylic UV Membrane - V.Proof 301&302 Cementitious Coating – V. Proof 201 Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation 防水的基本概念及漏水成因 花槽 窗邊 伸縮縫 地庫 女兒牆 水缸 天台 升降機底 外牆 擋土牆
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation 裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521
裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521
裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521
裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521
裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521
裂紋打針 – V. Seal 521
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation 結晶體滲透性英泥防水 Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Crystalline Capillary Cementitious Slurry V. Bond - V. Proof 202
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation 透明PU防水油 Clear Polyurethane Coating – V.Top 521 & V. Top 579
Clear Polyurethane Coating V. Bond - V. Top 521 & 579
Clear Polyurethane Coating V. Bond - V. Top 521 & 579
Clear Polyurethane Coating V. Bond - V. Top 521 & 579
Clear Polyurethane Coating V. Bond - V. Top 521 & 579
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation Expansion Joint V. Bond – V. Proof 503
Expansion Joint V. Bond – V. Proof 503
Expansion Joint V. Bond – V. Proof 503
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation 傳統防水 - 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema - Acrylic UV Membrane - V.Proof 301&302 - Flexible Cementitious Coating – V. Proof 201
傳統防水 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema
傳統防水 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema
傳統防水 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema
傳統防水 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema
傳統防水 瀝青卷材 - Viapol Systema
傳統防水 Acrylic UV Membrane V.Proof 301&302 UV
傳統防水 Acrylic UV Membrane V.Proof 301&302 UV
傳統防水 Acrylic UV Membrane V.Proof 301&302 UV
傳統防水 Flxible Cementitious Coating V. Proof 201
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 蒲崗村道何蔭堂中學,ASD
Spray Type 快乾防水 尖沙嘴力寶太陽大廈 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 尖沙嘴力寶太陽大廈
Spray Type 快乾防水 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 上環信德中心直升機停機坪
Spray Type 快乾防水 何文田俊民苑,置邦 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Spray Type 快乾防水 樂華邨商場平台伸縮縫,領匯 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 Spray Type 快乾防水尖沙嘴百萬龍大廈,信和 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 Spray Type 快乾防水 香港大學太古樓 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 Spray Type 快乾防水 葵芳新都會廣場,啟勝 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 Spray Type 快乾防水 香港薄扶林置富花園,Kai Shing Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 Spray Type 快乾防水 中文大學 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503 Spray Type 快乾防水 厚德邨商場Skylight,領匯 Polyurethane Membrane - V. Proof 500 & V. Proof 503
Solution of Water Leakage Presentation Thank You ! Q & A Prepared by Wheeler Waterproofing (S&C) Ltd.